But if you want to keep the "Teach by watching aspect", you could have it so each bot has the specific action or sensor locked until he sees you do it, then you can select it in the menus all you want
Recent community posts
Suggestion: Wait and If condidtionals for the bot logic, so you could do something along the lines of, if items under x amount, and also wait x time, before restarting loop, or wait x before looking for item on ground (since ive had it where my bots will grab an item from elsewhere cause they are looking for the item thats about to come out of the bench, and then it gets confused)
I have a crude workerbot and a basic workerbot set with the same brain setup
Forever[ Repeat till Hands full[ Find Tree seed, move to seed, pickup seed], Move to Seedling Tray, Repeat till Hand Empty [ Add to Seedling Tray]]
This ends up with the crude bot picking up a full stack and depositing it, but the basic bot will grab one, go deposit it, and get stuck, the red arrow flickering between move to seedling tray, and add to tray, although i dont think thats the full story, as if i add a move order to the beginning ( Forever[ Move to x,y, repeat till hands full[... ) the red arrow will flicker between pickup seed, move to seedling tray, and add to seedling tray, but will never re-execute the move to x,y order