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A member registered Oct 26, 2020

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I just found this game. At first, I was cringing just a bit, but damn did I quickly come to really like it. This is exactly the kind of game and world I've been fucking wanting. Please, I beg of you, even if its months old, even if there is a very rare chance, please put Sothios' boss fight into the game. Please continue development of this. I genuinely had a really good time playing it. The art was super cute, and the fact that it actually changed sprites mid-battle made me super happy. Please keep doing this.

I have a question. I've played through most of the game so far, to the point where I have almost every scene in the girl list and in the story list. I've downloaded this game to find that scene preview of the girl getting spanked, and so far it has just not happened. Can someone tell me how far in to the game I have to get to see it?

Absolutely one of the best games on this kind I've played! The art, the story, literally everything about this package is fucking perfect! I absolutely love this world! If you ever release this for money, damn better believe I'm paying for more of this! Genuinely something really fun!

I think this is a wonderful start to the game. The plot seems set up well and the spanking is top notch. I absolutely love the introduction to the villain girl and can't wait to see her lose, hopefully getting her own ass spanked too.

Felt a bit weird though, playing through the whole game without any choices in it though, but I get that its just the intro chapter for now.

Hello, I found this game from the "spanking" tag, and I have to say it absolutely does not disappoint! I love where this game is going, its the perfect amount of cheesiness that fits this kind of game well. If I have one complaint, its that the finish screen of "panty smack" hides the view of the asses behind it. Thank you for the spanking content, and I hope even more gets added. 10/10

The spanking in this one, looks amazing, and it was absolutely fun. I'm very glad to get to rat out the bully at the end, and really hope that she gets twice as many spankings as she unfairly gives out. Absolutely wonderful job.

This is absolutely incredible! I've always loved your animations and the ability you showcase is always amazing! If I can, I'd like to add one suggestion. One spot on the spanking board gives a role reversal scene, to give a reason to keep playing, trying to hit it. I know I played through a few times trying to hit every "!" spot trying to see if there was a bonus scene.

cute little spanking game, really sad her ass didn't get red after hitting it so much

mine was anywhere between 0.1-0.3 seconds usually

Ya, the enemies clicked the crab in 0.036 seconds

I love the game and concept, but for a game about spanking I was hoping to at least be able to hit her butt