My bad. (Specifically on grammar and interactions.)
I couldn't really think a ton of characters
You too!?
Thank goodness the dialogue was more than acceptable to you.
Yes THAT!!!!
Of course you made That 1 of the options.
Of course you would do that.
Congratulations on Winning, I didn't know the link, would expire
Weird I thought that compiling on pulp would already give that.
thanks for those suggestions!
(The clock will stay broken like this though)
Nope once you get the text you practically did it (no buttons necessary)
but i could add something like that for an updated version
Honestly I only put the staying part because I wanted to find an excuse to give the player a choice but I didn't really realize it would be funny
(I was going to write another phrase or something but I didn't think of anything to write)
there was actually going to be one more thing on the list but I couldn't add it on time so I scrapped it for the "improved version"
did you do something twice? Small fault of mine
hey I wanted to know if you're still looking for a team and if you have Discord (and use pulp to)?
(my username is @jomote)
hey I wanted to know if you're still looking for a team and if you have Discord?
can you use pulp? My Discord is jomote
its cool
the restarts are gone now
happy late burfday 2 eyeland
I'm gonna take note of that
it was mostly because I couldn't really do a lot of code for Crank
I really hope you liked the game