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Jones Crimson

A member registered Apr 13, 2022

Recent community posts

Today was a sad day...

"I am starting to feel...


The more I age...

The more I value

certain things.

My RPG Lvl never mattered.

But that sunset...

Our friendship..."

Oh and also here is this:

His guide sucks, just go back a couple pages in the comments and you'll find way better explanations.

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You are incorrect.  There are extra steps.  Better guides are further in the comments.

There are a bunch of comment guides in the comments if you go back a bit.  The user above you was wrong.

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There is also some dialogue after the boat ride as your bitBuddy thinks maybe the Holiday code would reset after 24 hours.  It does not, and your bitBuddy admits it knew that, 24 hours later, but wanted to think it would.

He was talking to P03, no offence to you

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idk about sleep but hibernating confirmed works to pause bitBuddy aging.
EDIT:  Actually, maybe not, but at least it won't die.

You might want to report it on the Github page, theres a link to it on the ludum dare page listed above.

If you think its bugged then try mentioning it on the github, it's linked from the ludum dare entry listed above.

Nope, just check the comments a few pages back and you'll see tens of guides for it.

There are like a hundred guides for it in the comments.

You actually have to delete a registry entry and delete an appdata folder in addition to a clean download or game extraction.

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That was actually the good ending.  It even says during the ride that if it had to choose a place to die, that would be it.

If you wait too long the Holiday ends, and your bitBuddy thinks maybe the code will reset in 24 hours.  As you wait the bitBuddy slowly turns grey, it will occasionally greet you if you move the mouse, and at 24 hours it will say "The Holiday promo didn't reset, did it?  I knew it wouldn't.  I just wanted to think it would."

The bitBuddy's natural lifespan appears to be 1 week real world days, which are paused when the computer is put into hibernate.

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Which is actually even worse than 160k that I thought it was, but still doable within the bitbuddy lifespan.

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Please stop asking how to reset, more than half the comment section space is allocated to guides on how to reset, just read the comments.

I was able to find these codes:







As long as this version of the game is the same as the one on the Github Repository then there are no other notable codes.

Your bitBuddy ages, I believe over 60 hours it becomes white and dies.  It claims after 24 hours you can go on another HOLIDAY.  Filling the screen with too much food will close the game and kill your buddy, pretty sure there is no such limit for balls, though.  If you are actively playing when it dies of old age it may die with its eyes open.

PO3 took his buddy to an oddly specific level early in the comments.  Sad that so many of us never followed along with the community ARG to know how PO3 survived Inscryption.  It might be a robot flex or maybe you should hex edit your buddy's level.  Or, heaven forbid, actually level it over 160K levels...  Maybe don't it would take 5 hours...

Please share any more information with me.