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A member registered Oct 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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You need to unpack the rar file. Download winrar for free.

There is not a built in function to do that currently. You can also control your character by clicking the mouse

Yes, once bought you own the game and all future versions of it.

If you check that location is the iconset file there? I would recommend re-downloading the file.

Saves from previous versions are compatible, copy the files from the save folder into the new version.

Talk to the fairy in her office, just above where your standing.

Yes there's a note about it in the intro, that is normal. It's just cosmetic  you have the latest version.

1. Investigate the cave next to the border gate. You need to have completed the 28 inchs later quest.
2. Yes there's a note about it in the intro, that is normal.

Install the 18+ patch. The instructions are here

Have you been to Haleden? Go left through the great forest.

If you are on PC I can send you a save file. Hit me up on discord.

Yes that's normal, there's a note about it in the intro.

If you show me the error pop up I might be able to help you with it, but it sounds like it's a problem on your end.

How are you extracting the file, are you using winrar/something similar?

Just uploaded a fix for this a few minutes ago. Re-download and it should be fine

Talk to the man behind the desk to buy an Arena pass

Hmm not heard of that one before, does it happen everytime? If you send me your save on discord I can fix it for you if it wasn't just a random glitch.

Yes, you are currently playing the censored version. To find out how to uncensor you can read this post: . In short you need to install the free 18+ patch

I've uploaded a new version of the android file which should fix the issue :).

Thanks for the report. I'll investigate and get back to you. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Did you unpack the game files? A rar file is a container you have to unpack it to properly access the files inside. If you try and play without unpacking it won't save .

It might be a relationship scene, talk to the girls in the house and see if they can progress further. It could also be a missed scene that you can gain access to by talking to the fairy in her office.

Upgrade the Cellar in the house then go and investigate it :)

Go to the house and interact with the book in the fairies office in the recollection room. That should fix it for you.

The one that runs from you stays on that map. You can chase him to the edge/a corner.

Hi there, I'm not specifically looking to do that at the moment but you can send me some of your work on discord if you would like and maybe I could use it in the future.

The game doesn't and won't include any NTR or sharing.

(1 edit)

You don't need to equip the net just have it in your inventory and then interact with the sparkles next to the pass. This is the basic net you get from the old man at the docks not the fancy net from the shop(An oversight I'll fix in the next update)

You need to have got the fishing net from the old guy at the docks. Then you can fish it out of the water

Yes the early demo versions were released for free. Now the game has a lot more content and is on steam it has moved to a paid game.

Your purchase buys you the current AND all future versions. You've bought the game, you own it and all of its future updates. The price will probably remain static until the game is fully released now, but obviously things have the potential to change later down the line.

No as it's now a paid game, I don't think giving it out for free is fair to the people who pay. If you can't purchase here it is also available on Steam.

You need to complete the Prick for a dick quest to help the chieftain.

He's sleeping down at the docks

Check the quest log, have you completed the haunted mansion quest

I assume you mean fishing? Are you sure your money is not increasing after you catch fish?

Interesting, I don't own a deck so I've never had a chance to test it on there. Did the crashes happen at any specific time or were they random?

Glad you enjoyed the demo, fyi fishing has been updated and improved in the latest version including auto collect :)

Do you want to hit me up and discord and we can chat through it

If you press F4 it will go full screen :)