Hi, did downloaded the said file and can see it in-game mod that is running on v941, but it doesn't seems to fix anything about the penis sizes, picked the 1st one that looks the longest/biggest one, in the character creation, once started to play and check the info it says "penis size: very small".
Recent community posts
Played all over from the start again as the old version (0.1.6) doesnt or rather couldnt be use on the latest version, I did read the other comment in which I have the same problem.
Anyway, that wasnt the problem for me, what I wanted to mention or rather I'm not sure if I should complaining or rant about it, it was the "Duel to Death" to Rita, I did saw the devlog about it, no comment on the part where MC order/ask someone to fight for him, but what I'm reffering to was after the "Duel to Death" or rather the "MC saving Rita" part, does it really have to be out in an open and be seen by the public of you (MC) doing it? Wont it be better to bring Rita somewhere else first and do "that" afterward? I feel like the MC becomes a Total Idiot because of it (unless that is what you intend to).
I got no comment on anything else aside from "Saving Rita" part.
On the other hand I'm happy that the problem in the Gallery (about the replay) was fixed.
And yeah, my bad if its long.
Oh sorry, I forgot to mention all scene was unlocked, as I did all the story, the problem was when I try to click/replay Silvia's past event in the Gallery its not doing anything, but when I click/replay with others like Estelle it works fine.
But this "Stats" thing is not effecting the past event inside the Gallery, as I did Serena's 2nd event (outside of Gallery) I was lacking in "Toughness" that I can't pick the 2nd option (which I remember there was an option for that), when I raise it up and go back to replay the scene, which is still not there.
Also, my bad I should have mention it early on, im playing this game on Android.
I'll try to start a new game to see if the name thing will be fix.
Heya, started playing this game recently and finished it today, I'll just say that this game is so good.
My only problem (not really) here is probably the dialouge between the MC, Little "Roommate" and "Landlady", it was how the Little "Roommate" and "Landlady" calls/refer to the MC as older "___" (for "Landlady") and big <Insert_Patreon_True_Story_Patch> ( for "Roommate"), I assume it was older/big "brother" isnt?
And some of the Gallery are not working, trying to click them but doesnt do anything ("Landlady") and the dialouge (more like the names and how they were referred as) like how the MC names turn "NONE", or how your Little "Roommate" turns into Little "None" and with the "Landlady" turns to [mil2]. (All of this part was during replaying the scene in the Gallery).
Hi, recently started playing this game again (switch from different phone) I would like to know where was the option in the cheat(?) [The one beside the MC's Bed] about the Full Upgrade the army? Did you removed the option or did'nt show up? What I found was the Moriko's Path instead (and yes I was playing the older version [20.09.01 or 20.08.10] before switch and download the newest version), so I think I miss something.