Apologies, I meant Patreon not Kickstarter 馃槄
thanks for the info! Looking forward to testing it out, and to seeing updates on the unity file integration on the Patreon!
This looks really rad! A couple questions:
Is it possible to import unity asset files? My players have designed their PCs on HeroForge, and I'm looking to be able to use those models in a 3D battle map, since HF offers Unity asset downloads.
Is it possible for the GM to control every token on the map? I'm not looking for a battle map where my players are all controlling their own figures. We play over zoom (we're spread across the country), and I want to share screen and move their figs for them. This isn't because I am/we are cheap - I'm planning to back your kickstarter if this is able to do what I need, as I think it looks pretty awesome and I want to support its development. This is just the only play style that makes sense for our group, so I'm hoping WildShape will work in this way, since it seems pretty killer.