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A member registered Apr 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Pretty good man, Keep up the good work!

I appreciate the support and I will add you on discord

Thank you! 🙌


New Game Out Now!

New Game Out Now!

New Game Out Now!

New Game Out Now!

New Game Out Now!

perfectly fine if the game wasn’t to your liking, I will take your criticisms into consideration for my future projects, thank you for at least giving it a try 👍

Found all 3 endings, I enjoyed the game there was some nice little scares in it, I'm glad you decided to finish it.

I used this for a game, it's an awesome asset thanks for the good work!

(1 edit)

Thank you for giving it a try please let me know what you think!

Bought this pack and the bunkers pack a while ago and made a game using them, thanks for all the good work Pizza Doggy!

Thank you very much playing the demo and for the feedback, I will definitely be adding things like that to the full version

Thank you! I enjoy your projects as well! You will be seeing more from me soon...

Nice job! Very spooky, it got me shivering in my timbers! Also I like the long hallway with fluorescent lights XD

I'm glad you think it was cool, I spent a lot of time on the lighting, I think lighting is one of the most important things when it comes to atmosphere in horror games.

Thanks for checking it out! I was looking at your game assets earlier, I might use some in a future project :)

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for the feedback and constructive criticism, I am glad you liked the game, I will keep this feedback in mind when making future projects and if I choose to update this one. :)

Thank You!!!

Thank you very much for the nice comment and feedback! I appreciate your notes on how I can improve the game, I may update it in the future.

Thank you for commenting I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Sorry for the nightmares...

Thank you very much for the comment, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the game and think people should make videos on it, means a lot :)

Full version out Now!

Full version out Now!

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