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Jorg Washingmashing

A member registered May 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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Are the scenes animated?

Yeah like at a certain point after trying so many nsfw games, you just start lookin for a good story lol.

At this point I care more about plot on games 💀😭


Ermm... Hey guys, is this Arthur?

First played this game months ago, you've won me over. I look forward to more updates with the premium version and will happily play through it again

That's the mf in them math problems bruh

Please make the game available on Android again

Good shit bruh

Personally I don't like characters that are too emotional and crash out due to that.

I'd say the MC's reaction was pretty realistic for someone who can assess the situation they're in, calm and collected. You know how potentially dangerous they are. But if they mean well, complying wouldn't be the worst option. 

I for sure would've been the same.

Definitely interested but I need more content if I'm gonna pay for it

Any word on 0.8?

I met her on the third night of Chicago

North America tour, my enclave

Fee-fi-fo-fum, she was a model

Dedicated to the songs I wrote and the Bible

Eyes like green, penetratin' the moonlight

Hair done in a bun, energy in the room like

Big Bang for theory, God, hopin' you hear me

Phone off the ringer, tell the world I'm busy

If the game ever makes me choose. 

Gwen all the way. No question

Still waiting for newer versions months later. The excitement hasn't left me once

Lmao nah I got it from a youtuber playing terraria

August has struck for people living a day in the future (New Zealand)


Quite possibly the trout population as well... But that's just an educated speculation on my behalf.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Use the whole script for Shrek 1 and replace the names with characters from here

Wow it's so nice to sit here and do nothing at all!

Definitely not waiting for anything in particular, no no. 


Edging streak gotta keep goin

You will succumb to the rot that infects us all the longer you wait for more content

Sorry but the writing and pacing are a bit "too much too soon" 

Nah we're gonna keep waiting bro. As long as it takes

So refreshing to see an MC that doesn't look like shit or the generic skinny ass kid with long bangs.

Thank you

Can't wait for more progress. Best of luck!

Jesse, we need to update the game Jesse

Are you actually suggesting that we wait and be normal? 😡😡😡😡🤨🧐

Are you perhaps an attack helicopter..? :3

Bruh... you sound like one of the antagonists in the game tf 💀

Yo please tell me nothin bad is gonna happen to my boy Todo- I mean Macumba 😭

Hope you're readin this man. Love the content and especially the humor. I also appreciate the car guy stuff a lot. 

Hope you and the dev guys keep this up, y'all are cookin up something gooooood!

I really need to know

Android version doesn't even start. Hope this gets fixed soon.

Same issue as the dude before me pretty much, crashes after the renpy screen.

I don't care anymore, I don't need to see the other girls. Lemme be with Fudge

"Would you be so kind as to drop an update please?"

- George Washington