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Joroy P

A member registered Oct 07, 2022

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Amazing art and aesthetic, I really enjoyed the mix of 2d and 3d, camera movement was really smooth and stopped your vision from getting obstructed which was really nice. 

combat felt really slow and clunky which I didn't enjoy, I would like to see this aspect sped up and expanded on with combos and other mechanics

The concept behind the game sounds really good but the its clear the game is very unfinished. The wolf never turned around and once you reach the wolf nothing happens. In the future hopefully these aspects are fixed. On a positive I really liked the art style and aesthetics of the game.

- no exit button, it would be appreciated if this can be added in the future so I can exit the game

-I see that you have tried to implement an endless loop in the game but it comes off as pretty jarring the obstacles end up looping at an uneven rate which is very off putting

- game was very repetitive and got boring quite quickly, the level being quite short played into this, so in the future it would be nice if you made the level a bit longer.  

-The music is quite foggy and distorted, so it would be nice if you made them a lot clearer

-sfx audio is quite unbalanced with the music often drowning out the other sound, so if you can re-adjust the audio levels that would be nice

-notes don't line up with the song, in the future I would like to see the opposite be the case as this would make the game more enjoyable

-various features such as points based on accuracy would be a nice addition