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A member registered Apr 17, 2021

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So, it's a simple game but honestly I loved this. It was fun and cute but most of all, it was a perfect example of how to do level design. You introduced mechanics slowly, gave difficult puzzles but gave the player the tools to solve them. Really great job. 

Great job with this! It was a lot of fun to play and I was super impressed by the effort you put into it. Loved the retro feel.

Really loved the mechanics and concept here. Very cute and original. More control over which enemy your tower focuses on would be nice but and the level progression could be a bit more gradual, but I think that'll come if you make a full version. Love this. 

I really like the idea of this. I think it's a great puzzle and genuinely enjoyed trying to work it out. The controls aren't at all intuitive though. Even after the tutorial (which I ran through a few times to try and get the muscle memory down) I was still struggling to figure out what you wanted me to press. I really love the concept and I haven't seen a lot of people play with this idea. 

Couldn't actually focus on homework until I came back and did level 3. Really love this. Super creative and well executed. Thought I would hate the mouse-only control but it actually worked really well with this. 

solid concept and I like the background music. The controls are intuitive and it seems super creative and fun. I think my main issue is with jumping. Would be nice if it used coyote time for jumps, especially because it feels like a block that disappears should allow me to jump from it before it does.  Having a slight issue with red blocks killing me before I actually touch them. 

I really like this concept. There are a few fun levels here. I was starting to get frustrated a bit at first but once you get the hang of it, it's fun. Maybe play with the friction a bit? My biggest issue at the start was that I kept sliding around more than intended. But that could also just be a player thing we have to get used to. Nice!!!

Great job! I'd love for you to add a few more levels. I haven't gotten past 3 yet but I'm going to come back to it. Love your devlogs. Great job with the artwork!

Great game! The ending bugs me but I think it's supposed to. Would be cool if there was more opportunity to just interact with the stuff around you but other than that, not a lot of criticism. Good job!

I also think it could be nice to have a health bar instead of immediately jumping back to the checkpoint, at least for the gears or something. I could see wanting the spikes to immediately take you back, but the gears move a bit funkily so sometimes it feels like you didn't hit it but you still have to restart the level. I do think the checkpoints are in good places though. 

The level of difficulty is perfect, the art is cute. I like the checkpoints and the fact that you can easily find a place to rest is great. My biggest suggestion would be to have some delay between dying and going to the checkpoint. It kind of jerks you away and it's a bit jolting. Otherwise love it!

Wow! Great job with this! I love the look of the game and it's very cute when they got on the platform. The jump control feels great and the animation just goes so well with it. Love this!

I actually loved this. The odd graphics really add to the feel, actually, and the music sets a great tone. The build up of suspense and surrealism towards that ending was perfect. Great job!

So, I really love the jump animation. I think it's cute and it certainly adds something. I actually can't get past the second platform though and there seems to be some sort of bug where if I hit the platform just right, the character gets stuck vibrating on the side of it instead of just falling. It also might be good to have it so the player can't walk off the base. Good start!

Solid game but sometimes the ball gets stuck bouncing on the top and bottom of the screen for a long time. Would be good if you could set it so the ball bounces on the top or bottom something like 4 times in a row without hitting the paddle, the ball resets. Otherwise great job. 

I could see this being a rage game but I didn't stick with it very long because the skill curve is a bit sharp. I think it has potential though. 

I loved this. The mechanics were great! Not easy but not so difficult I rage quit. Every time I successfully passed a level, I was genuinely thrilled.