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A member registered Dec 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

The clipping is just how the model is positioned when the player is in the air. I guess I could change it to snap to the ground whether its sloped or not, but it doesn't really matter. Might fix that in a later update if I have time.

Edit- I've updated the GitHub release with a fix for the slope problem; I haven't updated the demo yet but that should be included in the next build, whenever that is.

Anyway I've updated the download to fix the 2D problems as well as fix a few other things.

Also, I released the framework yesterday, but I haven't announced it officially outside of my Discord yet. You can download it here.

Oh, I see. The corkscrews just don't work very well with the 2D code. I actually thought I had it working a little different while you were in the air to prevent things like this but I guess I changed it back for some reason.

As for the slopes thing- that's just how it works. Once you enter a slope, the ground normal threshold lowers until you're on the ground again. Until then, player movement is treated as if you were in the air. The idea is just go fast enough so that doesn't happen.

Thanks! I was planning to release the framework yesterday but ended up being too busy. Should be releasing by Tuesday at the latest. If it takes any longer that probably means I got distracted adding a few extra features or something.

Not sure what you mean by "break gravity with low momentum" but others have pointed out the pacing needs a little work, as you frequently have to spindash to regain speed after a jump panel or dash ring. I'm planning to add the drop dash to fix this, which was originally a planned feature anyway but ended up getting cut due to time. I assume that wasn't what you were referring to but that was the biggest piece of jank I was aware of and I am planning to fix it.