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A member registered Nov 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you!! And thanks for playing!

Glad you liked it! Initially our team may have made a multiplayer game but it wasn't the right idea for the jam.

I feel ya there, we did that a lot before we actually added in enemies! :D

We tried to make stunning fairly clear but some more work has to be done to perfect it for sure.

Red is definitely best weapon! The other ones could use some fine-tuning to make them as satisfying.

Cool game! I like how the movement changes slightly between different modes, and that there is a significant difference when fighting against the colors you're weak against. There's definitely a high skill ceiling with this game and capitalizing on the special moves of the different modes is a good challenge.

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

That's pretty spot-on for what we were going for. Glad it feels that way! :D

Thanks for playing our game!

Fellow Josh! o7

I really like that Royale Mode idea! There's definitely a lot of ways to expand upon this game with different game modes.

Thanks for playing!

Woomy but doomy

We were pretty happy with the grappling hook/double jump combo as well, but yeah it's a bit overpowered. :) Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for playing!! By the way, we added in a hard mode accessible after starting a game from the main menu, which should make the type matchups much more impactful. In a way, it could be considered the best way to play the game, but we found it too punishing for first time players and included it alongside a "normal" mode for the best experience. :)

Thanks for playing! I see your point about stunning, maybe how it works wasn't transparent enough. FYI it should be a 50% chance to stun after depleting an enemy's health, otherwise they explode. :D

Thanks for the feedback! Grappling was one of the main mechanics we were focusing on at the beginning of the jam and it went through a bit of fine-tuning. I can definitely see your problem with the colors, perhaps we went a bit too heavy on the emissive lighting. :)

I think we all agree RED is the best MODE. :D

grapol gud many color

Hey UE buddy, thanks for the feedback! Yeah, we added in chaos destruction for a little visual flair late into the project. Purely cosmetic, but it can add so much adrenaline to the gameplay. I would be interested in seeing it in a bullet hell game but finishing a framework like that is definitely an accomplishment on its own!