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A member registered Aug 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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I finally got around to playing this one and I am glad I did! Good game.

You know what, for me, adds the most to the game? The music! Did you write that yourself?

Well done.

(1 edit)

Not unfair.

I focused on how I wanted the game to look knowing that my programming skills could not accommodate too many changes to the code.

I like your game!

Fun game. I love your sprites!

shots, hits, accuracy %, wave, current high score!


(1 edit)

You might have to fill it up from 7/8 to 8/8 to move on to Space Station Six! ;)

It's possible to beat this game, but the end is not very exciting! I am glad you like the graphics. 128x128 is not much to work with and sets the value of every pixel a bit higher, and is also a big reason why I love PICO-8!

Thanks for your kind comment.

Fun game! I like your sprite guys.

This game is fun and I enjoyed the music!

I had only 75 cents, but I put three quarters into the Cherry Bomb machine!

Thanks for doing this. It's a well designed game and the tutorial is nearly perfect. This 59 year old architect has been hoping for something like this since he was 16.

Well done.