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A member registered Dec 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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(5 edits)

I invite you to taste the true terror with my Domination game

A detective investigates a bloody case, but discovers that the reptilians are behind the murders, using alien embryos and female bellies to create hybrid humans and put them in positions of power in the world and thus go ahead with their plan to "Convert the Earth" . in Habitat and Killing Humans "with global warming.

(1 edit)

The game was updated and some scenes were improved

(3 edits)

MyItch Un detective investiga un caso sangriento, pero descubre que los reptiles están detrás de los asesinados, utilizando embriones alienígenas y el útero de mujeres para crear humanos híbridos y ponerlos en posiciones de poder en el mundo y así seguir adelante con su plan de "Convertir la Tierra en Hábitat y Matar a los Humanos "con el calentamiento global.

LinkA detective investigates a bloody case, but discovers that the reptilians are behind the murders, using the alien embryos and the womb of women to create hybrid humans and put them in positions of power in the world and so on go ahead with their plan of " Turning the Earth into Habitat and Killing Humans "with global warming.

A detective investigates a bloody case, but little by little he goes diving and discovers that the reptiloids are behind the murders, using the alien embryos and the womb of women to create hybrid humans and put them in positions of power in the world and so on. you will be able to go ahead with your plan "Turn the Earth into its habitat and kill humans" with global warming.


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