hello, and my name is Juan, Juan Reina! It's nice to meet you all! Well, I am sixteen years old, I love all kinds of games, as long as there accessible, either it be an audio game, a fighting game such as mortal kombat or street fighter, anything so long as it makes me able to play the game and it's accessible enough! I love chiptunes and chipmusic, anime and vocaloids, and mortal kombat! I'm a big, no huge, MORTAL KOMBAT FAN! I use a screen reader called NVDA to navigate this website, I live in Belize city, and I am blind. I wanted to come to this website to help indy developers get a little clocer to accessibility in there games when making them. I have never made an indy game, but as a long time gamer and someone who was blind from birth, I'm confident that I can help meny indy devs push forward towards accessibility in there games! I haven't gotten use to the layout of this website yet,, so if i'm posting someware I shouldn't be, or replying to something I shouldn't be replying to, or i'm lost someware in the website, I would like to ask for your help if i'm lost and don't know what to do. Kindly take note when giving me help or advice. 1. I don't use the mouse, as i'm blind and the mouse is too complicated for us blindys. So keyboard I use. 2. Please don't tell me press the icon next to the, no. I can't see icons, so if the icon has a lable next to it, please kindly report what the lable is and if it is a button, link, etc. For example. if there is a button called mute on the site, and I don't know where it is, I would ask. Where is the mute button located on the site and on which page can I find it? Person or admin ancers. Juan Reina or Juan, the mute button is located on the homepage of the website, at the bottom of the surch button. If the button or what ever doesn't have any lable, the person will have to know where the item is in order for them to tell me. For example. if the button is called mute and doesn't have a lable, Juan. What does this button do at the bottom of the surch button on the homepage? Person or admin. Juan Reina or Juan, that button is the mute button, it controles weather we hear your voice or not. For now, it's unlabled. I thank you for your help in advance, and I really, really hope I can make some games accessible to the blind comunity!
A member registered May 02, 2019