I've been trying it out for a while, it's definitely very interesting and I almost ended up late for work because I was playing it.
Personally I have only done two missions, I haven't tried the escape-room mode yet, but I already have some suggestions:
- A "lock" for the third-person camera, or a sensitivity adjuster. I ended up seeing the character's butt several times (very detailed, by the way), by accident because of how fast the camera moves with little movement.
- Perhaps a more intuitive tutorial, I spent a few minutes browsing through the menu to figure out how to tickle. Maybe add a more visual mode on screen like a "menu for dummies"?
- Add more interactivity with the environment. The paintings are cool and the NPCs are fun to play with, but I think there is too much furniture and space without any real use.
I know I'm just a guy behind the screen, and I apologize if I'm a little rude, I swear I don't mean to be, I just think it's a great game and I'd like to see how it develops.