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A member registered Nov 18, 2023

Recent community posts

Man, what a game!

Art: Top notch

Story: Peak

Small bug report, but idk if it's a ME thing

Ver Ch11 0.12.0d.

Bug (As spoiler free as I can):

After you perform a certain heroic action and are granted a meeting with a certain someone, Eleanor gets access to her Knight Outfit. It unlocks without issue, equips without issue.

HOWEVER, as soon as I quit the game, the outfit is locked again, and she's back to her default outfit. The "unlock outfits" doesn't work, and idk why. 

Have a great day :3

Back from 100%ing this gem. 

Man... So, SO good. 

If you're reading the comments to get an idea about if this game's worth your money AND your time:

It absolutely is, words can't do it justice, characters are great and feel alive, the story hooks you in from the get-go, lots of replayability. And don't get me started on how sweet are the romance options (Iris my beloved =~=)

Easily one of THE BEST VNs I've ever had the honor of playing. 


Don't tell the captain to get rid of the alchemist, don't choose to take revenge (when you find out what happened to a certain someone)

Otherwise you autopick the "let's kill the senior alchemist and the Duke", leading you to that ending. 


Sorry, you'll have to start all over again, I feel your pain, did that like 5 times T_T

We don't get enough games like these, sadly. 

Downloading as I'm writing this comment. 

Hope everyone has a blast with Royal Order.

See you all in a week, gotta 100% this absolute gem of a game =~=

It's today, the day is finally here!

Let's fckng gooooooo.

So excited for this one :3

Fingers crossed 🤞

2024, at long last.

Just a few more months to finally get my hands on this game :3

When you first saw Royal Order, were you blinded by its majesty?


Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?

Happy New Year, everyone. And to the beautiful people behind this game:

I wish you a very successful release. 

100%d the demo a few days ago:

Man, this game's gonna be AWESOME, a worthy sequel to another great game.

Started playing Royal Alchemist yesterday, somehow ended up romancing Aurelius lmao

Can't wait for Jan 31st :3

Can't wait for the full game.

Made an account just for this lol

Being serious now:

I love what I got to see in the demo, it's projects like these that need our love and support, not cheap moneygrabs, too many of those. 

You can tell just how much love and dedication went (and will go) into this game. Can't wait