i am so confused: why is the art exactly the same as the one used on the original ReWound 101 game (which first came out in 2016)? has there ever been an explanation for that?
Recent community posts
so much to unravel, but i love how immersive the story feels without forcing itself onto the player. i truly appreciate the work that was put into the writing. the story and the characters are intriguing, especially the MC.
although i wished the text size could be enlarged though, and we could choose to control certain voices' volume, this game surely is promising. looking forward to the full release!
i am curious about the story, but i feel like some aspects were lost in translation and certain bits are still confusing. the art rework is great, everyone's design improved a lot.
however, i feel like the UI and scrolling feel a bit dated (especially for 2025 and compared to other similar VNs). the english translation could also be better (grammatical errors or weird formulations, etc.). i am aware you must've put a lot of effort into this project, so please don't take my feedback personally. best wishes to you!
this was splendid.
the story and the concepts explored, the pacing, the UI, the drawings, the music combined with the voice acting... everything was cohesive, seamless, and i'm honestly impressed this was released for a jam.
i went to the game page to write this comment when i read this game is part of a charity project, and i could not be any prouder and happier to be supporting your initiative.
looking forward to your next games.
finally an otome that's inspired by my two favorite games of all time: ace attorney and professor layton. it's like my wildest dreams slowly coming to life before my eyes, so thank you for this.
the art (music and visuals) are great, and i'm curious about the full story. i can tell how much work your team has put into this, and i'm so grateful for it.
i had some trouble getting to like MC and the choices presented to her because of the consequences, as well as her personality. she's still a bit too optimistic, no-thinking-twice for my liking, but i've grown to like that more as the story unfolds.
as a personal note (i still need to play the game some more and explore further), i wished the first minigame could pass a bit faster, or that there could be a log when skipping the dialogues so i could still enjoy them while being an impatient gremlin.
i truly look forward to see the game come to life, and will definitely keep watch on this as well as your other works!
impeccable. the VA did a FANTASTIC job (i usually turn off the voices when i play eng dubbed VNs), the music was great, i loved the endings and both of the protagonists' personalities.
the intro and the transition between endings was also refreshing and so personal, without feeling too intrusive.
5/5. this was great!
loved the demo but as a corporate girlie, i could not stop laughing when i saw the MC's family name is the same as my manager's lmao
the fact that 3/4 suitors remind me of actual men in my life (including my boss) doesn't help either hahaha but the game is very promising, and i cannot wait to play the full version !
i understand other commentors' frustration, but i personally feel like it's discrediting the actual subtleness and meaning behind this game. a lot of VNs these days are stretched-out yet devoid of any substance. for a game this short, and released in 2014, taarradhin was truly ahead of its time in its storytelling, music composing and art work.
/spoiler but/ the characters have to play a role. you don't talk to a noble like you would to a farmer. moreover, you really don't need "hours" to complete all storylines even if you're a slow-reader. not liking the game is fine, but i don't think calling a character a "chewed-up rice cracker" is a constructive comment in the least.
my honest and "objective" review (spoiler-free):
i had a hard time understanding the "hype" surrounding the game after reading the reviews when i started playing. however, i believe that players looking for a well-written story should definitely stick around.
i especially liked the game because it's not pretending to be something it's not. the plot was albeit p********le good, the music matched the ambiance, and it's really enjoyable. though i was on edge at times, i have come to appreciate the design choices made since they tie nicely with the lore. the MC was also great, and i relate to him immensely.
rather than fun, this game was a mysterious and unique journey. i was moved by the ending, and i believe the episodes leading to it were brought with finesse.
the biggest critic i would give is that one of the mini-games (the one where you have to press "enter" several times to fil the bar) was actual nightmare-inducing, and my arms now hurt from it.
thank you for this game. though i now have a lot to think about, i am leaving with no regrets.
lovely game with a sweet storyline and very funny moments. the different endings and illustrations were my favorite part.
loved the reinterpretation of the myth itself, as well as the effort you put into introducing the whole world and characters in an easy-to-digest way for those unfamiliar with Greek mythology. this game made me see Odyssey in another way hahaha! i always thought of him as this bearded, long-haired (like the statue representation of him actually) wise and rational slender yet athletic man, but never as a mischievous and troublesome sweet brat.