Yesssss TEXT MODE GRAPHICS! Love them! Great mood setting music! Gameplay is understandably very lowkey as it's based on MUDs, but overall seems to work well. Great job finishing the jam!!
Jukio Kallio
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The game and it's idea seems very cool! But wasn't sure how to proceed from the first monster level... I think I tried everything and nothing seemed to do anything after releasing the prisoner... But overall amazing mood and as I said, seems like a very intriguing concept! Hope you continue it! Amazing job finishing the game jam!!
Great mood and theme, great music and sounds. Good graphics and fun gameplay! The progression could be a tiny bit smoother, as it was very easy for most of the game, until I got 500hp (boss I assume.) Though I couldn't fight them as the game seemed to crash! Sad! Overall great game and amazing job finishing up the jam!!
Nice looks and really liked the little lore in the side bar saying how long Jimbob had worked, hah! Wish there was some sound and wish the difficulty ramped up a bit faster! It was mostly waiting between the waves of blocks and once you dropped one it was game over right away... Great job finishing the jam!!
Oh no got an exception with emscripten! Here's the error:
Uncaught DOMException: IDBDatabase.transaction: 'METADATA' is not a known object store name checkCachedPackage
OOOOOOOOH BOY! What a game! There's so many good things going on, from the setup to the graphics to the writing to the wario-ware-esque mini games related to the characters. There were a few odd game jam-janky things happening (eg. I accidentally put rooms further and further away 'cause they dropped at the menu position...) but overall super fun! Played through 4 nights I think? Wasn't sure how much it will expand from there, but what I played has so much potential for a nice little hotel management game! AMAZING JOB!
Amazing idea and game! Pleasant atmosphere, graphics and the gameplay works well. Though you definitely need to have some pen and paper at hand and take notes, hah! Could be a cool addition to have a little notepad on the side where you could click words and numbers and paste them there to take notes in-game. (But also love the idea of videogames that kind of forces you to take actual notes!)
Beautiful job finishing the jam!
good job finishing the jam! nice little arena shooter! the card idea is good (though seems like a lot of jam entries came up with it, hah!) but they were very random (eg. get faster shooting and slower shooting) and could've been even better if they were hand designed instead of randomized like that! good job overall!
great job finishing the game jam! i really like the kind of asynchronous idea of your game, with separate heart and shooter! the audio was a bit grating, and wasn't sure if the game was going anywhere after defeating 5 or 6 similar enemies. could become something very cool if you put a bit more time into it! good job!
oh wow, thank you so much for the long feedback! you definitely found the achilles' heel of the design, hahaha! the combination of tanky enemies and teleporting making your shot weak is a problem i figured out towards the end of the jam, but didn't have time to start redesigning it... but i whole heartedly agree with your observations. one big problem that comes with this is also when you've mostly solved a screen, there's still those one or two enemies that takes so much time to get rid of before getting the next screen.
definitely noting these down if i ever get to update the game!