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A member registered Jan 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Me Linux user. Linux can't run .exe files. Linux user sad because it can't play baldi mod. Linux user hopes you add a Linux version.

Poco valorado, el juego esta bastante bien

Is the floor builder already out?

Happy you liked it!

That's not hard

Really liked the game, the platforming feels nice, and it's not too hard, nor too long. I love it.

A simple game, not too long. Nice enough to me

Good game to be chilling for a while

Nothing to do in this game. The application of trees is just seeing trees in the enviorement

Can end up being very hard, but i love it. The implementation of trees is not too much notable, but is one of the best tho. Good job!

Me linux, so can't play

It's good, i got stuck learning the combat for a bit, but other than that it was fun to play.

Even i didn't actually finished the game, i can tell it's pretty fun. I really don't know how to describe it, but i love the gameplay.

I'm linux user so i can't play :v

I was actually gonna so that, but when I finished the build it was 2 am so I decided to just leave it like that. I will change that when the jam finishes tho.

So, it finally came home, but i can't upload my project. Can you please re-enable uploads so i can upload my game?

I submitted the page of the project without the game in case you allow me to upload it a few minutes later

I am currently outside home, and I won’t make it in time before the submission time. Can I make the page now and submit the game a few minutes later after the submission time closes?

Html files should be playable without downloading

y como has conseguido la version de windows?

Pues supongo que de nada XD

Can you make the snake start moving when you press a key? It takes me a few tries to move the snake(reflexes)

Supongo que esta hecho aposta, pero aqui hay unos errores:

El texto esta en un sitio malisimo

El personaje deberia estar centrado

Hay saltos donde la caida no se ve

Nice mod :D You inspired me to do my own mod.

es veu molt be el programa

Tendrias que poner el trailer de la beta de pureya, pero creo que esto puede llegar a ser virus.

This looks like a virus

Thank you!

Please, tell me more about the issue, and send a screenshot

Just amazing, i can't say more that that, this game is perfect

Limited replays :)

Did you installed Python?

Good luck

Muchas gracias por la review. Gente como tu hace que siga teniendo ganas de crear juegos. ¿Has encontrado algun bug en el juego? Si es asi, reportalo lo antes posible, tengo un tiempo limite para pulirlo todo lo que pueda.

It is intentional

Yes, i am using my own spawn system to spawn the bullets

Then, sadly, we can't team up, because i am a python programmer and i have no idea of unity.

I love this new update