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June Flower

A member registered Nov 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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thank you very much! glad you like it

you start with a pistol bestie...


piss! piss! piss!

(3 edits)

Really fun little game, I appreciate the great art direction as well. All 4 weapons were really fun and useful, which is pretty rare in games that let you freely switch weapons. Great tension in the last part. Nice work! 

I can't help but wonder if the flying enemy in the 
final stage has some kind of spritesheet
misalignment when attacking, though. 
Maybe I'm just reading the sprite wrong.

thank you deepeman may u be blessed with legs for evver a men

classic shit

yay! the amphora's trials are many but the rewards are bountiful...

goes hard

hell yea

Thanks! And thanks for the video, it's always nice to see people react to the game

If you're talking about the final track, the sped up with bitcrush version, I made it myself, and no I've since changed hard drives unfortunately. For the midi I'm sure you can find it just by looking up radiohead midis. I think I also messed with the notes a little though so it might sounds different. sorry

It's a midi rendition of Radiohead's Creep, sped up and bitcrushed significantly

Thank you very much! We tried to make one that was different yeah hehe

still peak btw

cool project! end part was good

dope. congrats on the release

Cool visuals and music. I like the big levels and their nasty traps. No idea if the camera is supposed to be this slow or not

baller game

incredible work!

Thank you! and thanks for the video as well

Thank you! Makes me very happy to see people are still discovering this game 4 years later

thank you! all of the secrets are before the final cave, if that helps

Thank you! this style is a little old for me at this point but I'm glad it's still charming!

woo! good stuff

Very fun to play this, especially after having dug through the assets and the old demos for barkley 2 proper so much. The insane barkley lore is all there, and so is the writing quality. It's a little jank to play, but honestly that kinda fits. B Ball never dies.

Dreadfully accurate little guy simulation

Thank you very much person with the profile picture i had 10 years ago ur a real one <3

Thank you!

Thanks Rayven! <3

This game is really cool! I love the idea of just walking beyond the boundaries of an online game and ending up around the internet, still engaging with it as a video game character

Thank you! <3

Great game! very cute boys...

thanks for playing! <3

a dream come true

(2 edits)

thank you... rado head frorever!!!!!

pretty cool little gq;e/ i like the color ramp on the leavs and the fade when dying. simple but fun platforming. The track is also pretty nice!

thanks for playing! my next game will be an action game but i'd love to make more games like this in the future (either if i find a programmer or feel like giving it another shot)

I wouldnt count on that sorry

left or right on the title screen