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A member registered Nov 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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you mean like godot sourcecode or media files?

Found this from youtube on's November's best games. This was fun and a little challenge snack. At some levels I really had to think the puzzle. Art-style is fun and music is relaxing. Impressive work in under 60 hours.

Added this feature now!

That rule I don’t remember from original game, but it would be good addition to this. Good point!

It could be completed pretty fast. Fastest one had 3.222 or something. My personal record is 3.3xx. There is one thing with one of the beers 8-)

Thank you! I really tried to do good newbie's work on the character. The tilemap and background still needs some improvements. But anyways: I appreciate your comment :)!

Hi! I found this via Youtube. I tried the game and I really like the way it looks. This seems to be interesting project and I'll be waiting for future updates.

I found an exploit: While mining, if I release mouse1 after hit and press again -> it mines faster, because I don't have to watch the ending animation after hitting a rock. Kinda speedrunner effort because timing the mouse-presses but anyways: just letting you know!