Alright that's unusual but I'm not complaining, sounds good.
Recent community posts
Cool, honestly I'd like to do proof reading I can even do English if it's not a problem since 4 eyes are better then 2 because I just like the game so much. So like I said I would do it for free of course and now the question is should I download discord again or something like that so you can contact me? Ye I don't know how to end this text so... I'll just leave it here.
I haven't played the game yet but speaking from experience if higher difficulty = Frustrations then that's not a good system. The idea of different save systems sounds good. Reminds of the original scp game where in euclid you were able to save with the f5 button when ever u wanted to and in Keter (the more difficult one) you are only allowed to save in certain locations but that can lead to frustrations and also soft locks (same with the save when ever u want option of course). So for this game I would say maybe even though we aren't a jedi maybe one of the save mechanics could be meditating or something like that. Or using a data key on terminal to "hack into the system and get access to files" as in you actually put a save file in there. There's a lot of options you could think of.
"Hello? Ye what's up? Can you come here? I can't I'm buying clothes. Well hurry up and come over here. Well I can't find them. What do you mean you can't find them? I can't find them there's only soup? What do you mean there's only soup? It means there's only soup. WELL THEN GET OUT OF THE SOUP AISLE. OK YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOUT AT ME. There's more soup. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S MORE SOUP? THERE'S JUST MORE SOUP. Well then go to the next Aisle. There's still soup. WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW? I AM AT SOUP. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE AT SOUP? I MEAN AM AT SOUP. WHAT STORE ARE YOU IN? I AM AT THE SOUP STORE. WHY ARE YOU BUYING CLOTHES AT THE SOUP STORE? FUCK YOU.
I like soup
Thanks lol, I can tell you some of those games will stand out from the others in quality and the top 4 games that I would recommend are PHOENIXES, it's a very good game with superheroes and villains and just a cool world and story. Then Race of life if you like cars and the racing scene you will defenitly enjoy it even though it's not close to being finished there is a good amount of content. Then Big long complex the old version obviously which has sadly been abandoned and the developer is making new version which is not nearly as good as the previous one because the old one was one the only free roam games that I have played here and the scenes are very good too. And last but not least the probably longest game I have played on here and trust me it's almost painfully long and not finished yet, Sicae. Very good characters, very likable and the story is just mind blowing. I can defenitly also recommend to you to check out his other games because it's just as good but shorter.
OK so I'm not gonna explain how each game is and what's it's about because that would probably take a couple of hours to do and be a whole book. And also I generally don't pay for adult games but some of them I did pay for just because they are so good, some of them I pirated but if u wanna financially support them I can only recommend these games because they are very good. Ok here comes the list, I'll just list them one under the other
the better deal
Harem in Another World
Prince of Suburbia
Driven by Desire
Between Humanity
Life's Payback
city devil restart
Lucky Paradox
THE INN CH1 and 2
Twisted Memories
Big long complex (I recommend the old version the new one sucks)
Attack on Survey Corps
Siren (just check out his games he did a couple good ones)
Realm Invader
AI Revolution
Summer Heat
Race of Life
SARL Games (check out his games)
Iseakai Paradise
Industry Baby
So ye it's quite a lot of games, all very different and there's a lot of variety. You'll defenitly find atleast a couple that u will like.
Well I have been following this game for roughly 2 or 2 and a half years and yes I agree I also like it but the "scam" has started only recently like a year ago since then this team has been silent and they are looking for more patreons or how they call it sponsors even though they already have 3k. But anyway if u are looking for similar games I can honestly recommend you some if u want. And trust me they are not scams they regularly get updates like 2 or 3 each year even though they don't even have 10 times of the financial support and sometimes even only 2 or 3 guys working with them.
Maus for some reason I can't reply to you it gives me a error message but here if you see this read it.
I wasn't able to answer your other comment in German or English for some reason, it just gave me a error message. But u can download the game trough their patreon for free even without a account. It's just the top link under the title. Then there is a link to the download on Mega and don't worry the file is small enough that you can download it on mobile without needing the app, should also work for PC but I didn't test it. You'll manage the rest right?
Yes true the people that are still financially supporting him since he started scamming a year ago are stupid aswell but there is no point in defending this guy. He is defenitly aware that people are mad and waiting for a update or any kind of information and him and his team are just being silent and not communicating so he defenitly knows what he's doing.
So I've played trough the latest update and it's very good, very good scenes and I like the way u tryed to give cassie some personality it works pretty well. But one thing and that might be to late to implement that is that our MC could maybe have a Buddy. I recently played "A Race of a Life" and the main character has a buddy called cooper and cooper is "THE MAN". He's just a good buddy character I really like him and maybe something like that could also be implemented here. And of course I'm also not talking about sharing the girls with him, if he has a girlfriend he stays loyal and we don't do anything with her, I feel like it could work in this game aswell.
I mean, I have been following Agent 17 for a while and I REALLY like the game. It's good, it's fun and the scenes are pretty good. But it's almost been a year since the last update AND back in 2024 quarter 1 they said the next update was supposed to come out in 3 weeks. Then it was silent for 2 months or something and they released Update 0.24 part 1 if I remember correctly. That was 6 months ago roughly. And nothing since then. They are just looking for more "sponsors" because apparently 15k a month minimum is not enough money to develop that game, it's minimum 5 bucks to support on patreon right? That would mean they make around 15k a month with 3000 patreons. So ye... The comments under their game are still going wild and have been going wild for the past 3 or 4 months. But the patreons don't seem to care that they are getting scammed apparently.
Honestly I'm really impressed that you are managing to keep working on the game even though your job takes up so much of your time. Really you have my respect with how much dedication u have for this game. Also I'm glad u aren't abandoning this game or trying to scam your patreons like the developers of Agent 17 so Hexatail and his team.
Am I the only one or was this update incredibly short. It picks up after we watched the movie with Alice and then we just have 1 day of work and Alice is doing her photography course. Then the day ends and that's all of it? That was like 20 minutes of content maybe, kind of disappointing but hopefully the next update comes soon.