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Just Reviewer

A member registered Feb 13, 2023

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Claire become more softy. Anyway, I like where the story going about Kei. Characters is getting closer to each other engaging about this plot, interesting update thank you. I cant wait for the next episode!

The name in the dialogue is misleading or not properly arranged it will become random talker, you should fix that. The story go deeper and more of them showing their personal problem.... That Diana from Bar scene feels like she set up Mike to see his teacher s problem and help her solve it. I like it but it  strange that the other guy who with Mike before in the club is sudden missing in the updated story.... Keep up the good work.

Oh, thank you ✨

I can see the similarities of this game to Eternum of Caribdis.... Yeah, the girl posing,  the challenge system and the most of all, the spook(but this one is more spooky). Also, there s Luna and Mr. Hernandez in this game(from Eternum too) I can tell you re a fan of him :) Your game is good I finished the chapter 10 well, we cant wait for the next chapter and also, I suggest you add gallery in this game.

That s even more great! ✨ I hope they find this gem game and get s more appreciate 

This one is better than my expectation... Remain on story, very creative ideas you put there(about how dark companion works), many scenes that caught my attention(some references)... Ive seen some similarity of this game it s like the twist of "Eternum"(about game thingy and level high rank stuff) and "Depth Revival"(the school plot, companion and character like Amy similarity to Sarah of this game) 

I like it more than the Eternum you did great kudos to your team 👍 I cant wait the chapter 5, the real battle begin!(maybe the last episode?) And need some Amy exposure that s all ^_^ 

(4.6★/5) for me 

(1 edit)

What a tragic past of Moon... Just like Emma but in real outside crisis, being a tool for them and lost friends... I'm happy she meet Kei  And... This Klara still suspicious to me she seems good at hiding her identity and I don't know what s her real intention is... Also, Gwen looks different 

•Moon, Emma, Kei, and Shu are my favorite character in this story 

Beautiful story well done! Thank you for your awesome story Niichan! I still curious at the end of this episode because "Those Two Girl" never get old, so suspicious... Are they really human or alien or just an imagination/dream that pop up? We ll see then!