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A member registered Jun 04, 2022

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I’m on a Mac, and am not a big computer guy so I couldn’t tell you. I did get the mini-game to work though so I don’t know why I’m responding to this.

Exactly, that’s what my theory is. I personally think it’s because of outdated operating systems not being able to load certain sprites. I went to download the game for Mac, but saw it wasn’t compatible for my OS, 10.11.6 El Captain. I realized I hadn’t updated my computer for around five ish years so I updated to I wanna say 12, Monterey, I’m not at my computer right now. Then I checked on browser again and the topaz mini-game worked.

I just had to update my computer. So if anyone else has the topaz mini-game issue where it doesn’t show the  arrows, try updating your computer! It worked for me!

Big news, I got the topaz mini-game to work!

Ok, just wanted to know if it was just me or not. Take all the time you need, this is a decently big project, so it’s expected to have a few bugs. Even the big titles have a decent amount of glitches so for this small one to have so few is quite impressive.

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I think the browser version topaz mini game might still be bugged, I still can’t see what to input. I’m glad it works for others though!

No need to apologize for the ‘inconvenience’ as long as we know it’s being worked on, we’re happy. We know how much heart and soul you’ve poured into this game. You deserve a nice, long, rest after the hard work you’ve put into this thing, but you’re still working on this thing to fix the bugs for the community. I think I can speak for everyone in this amazing community you’ve made when I say “Thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done. Thank you for all of the hard work, time, and money you have put into this amazing game. Thank you for the polite replies and happy demeanor when replying to us in the comments. Thank you for actually attempting to fix the bugs in your game, and thank you for just being you.”

Yes, agreed 100%. This game is absolutely amazing even with the few bugs or glitches. As long as the game devs are working on fixing the game, it’s a good game. It’s worth the wait for just how amazing this game is.

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My computer is a Mac, but I’m playing on the browser. So I’m playing the browser version.

Thank you, but don’t stress too much over it, the game seems to work fine for most people and you’re probably already stressed enough from getting this thing out on time. Props to you though, it’s an amazing game, and hey, all games are gonna have small bugs or glitches here and there, right?

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I had to take a photo with my phone since my computer won’t take screenshots, but I think it’s possible to see that the arrows just aren’t there.

I went to Crescent Peaks to find topaz for Feline Seduction but the mini-game didn’t work. I could still input directions I just couldn’t see what I was told to input.