gonna keep an eye on this game and join the patreon when i get some disposable income
Recent community posts
as of right now I choose to play with the stimulation option off. There is not much incentive to keep it on unless you only have sex on the rare occasion. Plus, there are some perks that clash with the system like the sex streak one and some of the breeding ones. I'm guessing there will be a perk tree to go along with it in the future but right now it limits gameplay and since sex is like a good chunk of the game you are kind of handicapping yourself. Thats all my opinion so test it for yourself, maybe you will like the challenge such a system offers.
Looking forward to future updates, hopefully next one will be a Katz one. Kinda want to see if her escape plan is as disastrous as Tavi's.
Only way I found to get xp from combat is to fight the guards on the way to the captains office (So stock up on apples and stuff so you can farm those halls) and fighting the guard in front of the elevator which can only be done once a day. Otherwise doing quest but there are only so many of those. I honestly think it's a bug and all the exp is going to the inmate/guards after the fight because they jump from level 0-4 even if you beat them.
So, after beating the game the Tavi way, I'm hoping the other path in which you side with Alphacorp is you becoming a guard. essentially the ending would be you never leaving the prison and continuing to do what you have been doing which is beating the shit out of everyone and taking their energy drinks because I don't know any other way to make credits fast enough. Maybe that path will expand Nova and Risha content and since the guards are just as depraved as the inmates might as well have that harem in your spiffy new guards' quarters instead of a cell
Side note, I wish there was a way to put Jacki, Artica, Rahi, and every other character in your cell with the rest of your prison harem. I tried modding it in but my spaghetti code always breaks something in the game
So will the whole game take place on the prison or is there plans to expand things beyond eventually?
Also what happened to Jacki Northstar, I was kinda hoping that she would become like Rahi in which you could either make her your partner (by freeing her) or prison bitch (by doing that other thing) but she just vanishes after the stock scene.
If only TiTs did something similar with the player portrait to reflect the changes on the PC. Not sure if they plan on eventually doing that since there is a mannequin bust of the PC but its static and doesn't really change unless you edit it. Anyway loving this game, glad to see it hasn't gone the way of vaporware like so many other games on this site