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A member registered May 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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What a fantastic game!!! I really see some true potential here. I'm blown away by how much stuff y'all managed to get in before the deadline, especially when it came to art! The coffee/tea making station was a lot of fun to learn and get a hang of, and making drinks was really cool! The running up and down the map was a bit tedious to me, maybe it would be better if the map were smaller so you had less downtime climbing ladders? I also love the theming and storyline, very clever! Great work!

Thank you so much for playing! Our friend Alex really killed it on the music! (Fun fact: the "hey!"s in the song are actually the whole team yelling hey in a long hallway, that was really fun to record). We really appreciate all the kind words!

Wonderful little game! The art is very cute, and I enjoy the gameplay! Great work!

Phenomenal game! This may be my favorite I've played so far! The animations are wonderful, the art fantastic, the music spot on, the gameplay mechanics easily understood, everything about this game is great. Would have loved more levels or a longer level, but what was here was fantastic! I especially love how you communicate the green pills at the beginning - great invisible tutorial. Wonderfully done!

This is great!!! I had a ton of fun with this, the controls are simple to learn and the animations are so much fun! Great little game. I was so close to becoming flight but I couldn't quite make it to 5000, no matter how hard I tried. I still thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game, great work!!

Great game! The art is absolutely gorgeous, and the animations of the dinosaurs are superb. I really wish I had someone to play local multiplayer with, since I think that's where this game really shines! The AI is a bit daft, it got stuck on one of my runs which made it really easy to win, but I think that's alright for a jam game! The controls felt a little delayed as well, but that didn't take away my enjoyment too much. Flying is really fun, as it feels good to build up a lot of momentum and let it fly! I'd love to see more levels, and possibly an online multiplayer if y'all have any plans to continue with the game!

Great work! The art in this game is wonderful, I really love the aesthetic. The controls were a bit confusing at first, but once I caught on I managed to get pretty far! Jumping up to kick the scientists felt so good (I know you don't have to jump always but it feels good when you do) and the music and sound effects really added to the experience. Great work!

SO much fun! I had such a great time with this game! Pretty simple, but very engaging. Absolutely love the aesthetic, the dino and its animations are really fun, and I LOVED the Dino Jam logo on startup. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think the music fits perfectly with the vibe. Really amped me up

Proud to say that I completed with 80 apples and 0 rocks and only took me 5 tries!

Thanks so much for playing! The difficulty was intentional, but we'd like to add in some accessibility options to the game to make it a bit more fun to more players, hopefully we can implement that in the future!

Haha thank you! The theme ended up being more about the player learning to fly than our character! Thanks for playing our game!

Thanks for the kind words and for playing the game! We were definitely going for more of a challenging experience, so some of the frustration and convolution in the controls was intentional, but we understand that that does turn away a lot of players. As I mentioned in another comment, we had plans to introduce some accessibility features but ran out of time. Hopefully those can make it into a future build! Thanks so much for trying out our game!

Thanks so much for trying out the game! I think we may have overdid the difficulty a little bit when implementing that egg holding mechanic. We did have the goal of implementing an accessibility option to turn off some elements of the controls (e.g. one key to control the whole wing, make small wing flaps more effective, turn off the stamina bar entirely) but we unfortunately ran out of time, as is the usual excuse for poor mechanics in a jam. Hopefully we can implement that in the future so more people can enjoy our work! Thanks for playing!

WOW thanks for such a wonderful review! That trombone sound wasn't a stock effect, it's actually me playing! (I don't think my neighbors enjoyed me recording those sounds at 3am lol) Sorry about that bug, the code somehow disappeared sometime in the last hour of the jam, and we didn't notice until after the jam ended.

Those are both wonderful recommendations! I especially love the idea of a survival mode, maybe we'll implement that in a future update!

Thanks so much for playing the game and leaving such a thoughtful review, it means a lot to us!

Thank you! We had the goal of implementing an accessibility option to turn off some elements of the controls (e.g. one key to control the whole wing, make small wing flaps more effective, turn off the stamina bar) but we ran out of time. Would love to implement that at some point in the future to make the game a bit more accessible. Thanks so much for playing!

Hm, that's funky. We'll add it to the list of bugs we gotta fix in the future, thanks for pointing that out!

To move around the level map, you can use the arrow keys (left and right to move to the next level) and then hit enter to jump into the game. I tweaked the how to play section in the description to reflect this feedback, thanks!

HOLY CRAP! Y'all weren't kidding, you really bumped up the difficulty. Truth be told, I spent about 20 minutes trying and I could not get past the first third of the level. There are two reasons to that I believe (three if you count me just being bad at the game).

#1: Enemies are very bullet spongey. It got to the point where I realized, especially when the red guys started showing up, that I could not kill them without sitting and focusing my fire directly on them for a few seconds. This caused me to give up trying to kill enemies entirely, and just focusing on dodging bullets, which, because I wasn't killing enemies, caused a feedback loop causing the game to get harder and harder. Maybe knocking down the HP for some of the enemies, especially the specials like the spiral and the machine gunner (no clue of their actual names, that's just what I'm getting from their mechanics), that would really help the issue of feeling like you can't kill them, and just focusing on trying to dodge bullets.

Speaking of dodging bullets, that brings me to #2: movement speed. I just could get the spaceship to react fast enough in order to dodge a lot of the bullets. Most bullet hell type shooters have VERY tight controls, almost mimicking the cursor exactly, so you can thread through tiny holes in bullet volleys. If you guys are trying to go for a different approach, totally great! But at times it feels as though I'm controlling the spaceship through a vat of honey. It just does not move fast enough for me to feel like I have complete control of the ship. One thing that could potentially remedy this issue and add an extra mechanic is a dash function that would cause your spaceship to go fast for a moment. It could even just be that when you hit the dash function, the ship snaps to exactly where your cursor is. You could have it on a cooldown or not, I just feel like that would really help! (Side note: I watched your videos on the boss battle [looks super cool btw, I really wish I could get to the point to try it] and it seems like you have a lot more responsive controls than I did. Maybe it's an issue with speed being tied to framerate or some other thing? You might want to look into that. I could even screencap my browser to show you what I mean if you think that would be helpful)

Okay I've been kinda critical about this update, but here are some positives: I LOVE how you tied the enemies to the music. You may have done this on the first one and I just didn't notice, but this is obvious and I am totally here for it! It not only is really fun in general to have everything go with the background music, but it's functional too! I found myself knowing to get prepared for the yellow sniper guy's attack by feeling the beats. DO MORE OF THIS THIS IS AWESOME. The boss fight looks really great too, and I'm excited to try it out! Also, the patch notes on the main screen are a great little touch. I'm looking forward to where this game goes!

Yeah I agree, the boss needs some more TLC. More attack varieties would be fun, potentially a part where it's invincible and you can take care of its goons or take a breather. Overall, I found that the difficulty was on the right track, but it was a bit sporadic. There were moments that were challenging, followed by points where I was just waiting for more enemies to show up. I would recommend making sure there's always at least one enemy onscreen, as that would keep the excitement up (the asteroids idea would also help! [Random idea, maybe you shoot the asteroids to get power ups?]). I appreciate what you did with the control of the rocket being a little delayed, but I think if things were a little faster it would add more intensity and also add a bit more challenge. I would also recommend making the level WAY shorter. I totally understand this is a demo and that will change, but it was a little frustrating how little the progress bar would inch by as time passed. Hope that helps :D

Really fun! I love these bullet hell shooters, and I'm really excited for the final product! GREAT gameplay song, perfect for the feel of the game... Most of the time. It might be nice if the gameplay was just a bit faster to complement the heart pounding tune in the background. The variety of enemies was nice, and it was fun challenge strategizing how to get them all most effectively. Power ups were fun (it was great at the end when I was just expelling a huge volley of bullets) but I wasn't quite sure what the grenade did. I'm guessing this is on the agenda, but more temporary power ups would be nice, maybe even some debuffs you have to avoid! Obstacles would be nice, like asteroids or something, just to make the game challenging even after you cleared the screen of bad guys. The boss at the end was good, but he wasn't very dangerous. His goons coming in from the sides of the screen were much bigger threats. Also, you may want to work on the telegraphing of the boss's laser to make sure the player knows when to get the heck outta there. I loved the art and animation on that final boss though! Sorry for the barrage of text, but I really enjoyed the game and had a lot of fun with it! I hope you continue development, and I'm excited to see where it goes from here!