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A member registered Feb 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi, everything seems fine on my end, however I have included a downloadable executable. Hopefully that works for you.

If I had a nickel for every time I died from scurvy in this Jam I'd have 2 nickels. It's not a lot but it's definitely weird.

Love the twist on the theme.

Needs a shotgun SF but otherwise awesome.

I wouldn't mind this becoming a full game. An actual AAAA banger in the making!

A little too much mouse sensitivity. Enemies are pretty crazy.

Sound effects remind me of the NES era, nice.

This game is hilarious and I'm dead

Hi, footsteps are softer now and hit detection seems more consistent. Also there's a  gun.

Getting bread for a customer has never been so awesome. Love it!

Simple yet tons of fun. Love the cute art style.

Very surreal yet intriguing experience. Could this be... art?

Quite Addictive.

This is a pretty good one

Hi, sorted that bit out. Should play fine from now.

Hi, thanks for your feedback. I've sorted out the clicking problem. Dumb oversight on my part :P

Nice! I like launching myself into them like a lunatic.

I really like the NES style you have going here.