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A member registered Jan 25, 2021

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(1 edit)

waiting a month for that amount of content was kinda buns but i dont wanna disparage the work it takes, excited for future updates 

cannot download on drive. "

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Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator."

unfortunate to see the option to continue from last update has been removed...

finally got it, upstairs with the glass display cases, move the one on the right to the left. i probably spent 45 minutes tryna move everything to the RIGHT

move the naked statues together in the dining room

(1 edit)

how do you get the key on the roof in halloween mansion? ive found the lighter fuel and fireplace but cant find lighter, ive found mysterious and bony locks but not keys , the second floor window is held shut. im extremely stuck lol

eternum and once in a lifetime

bro is the pregnancy police 

nah you should consider shutting up fr

mac build in the future mayhaps?

(2 edits)

is it possible in the current free build to do anything with the castle girls other than the training that does no relationship points? also in the dungeon clicking the little doll results in a soft lock, cant escape the window that pops up (mac build)

(2 edits)

would it be possible to get a mega link? on mac and internet that drops out for like 10 seconds every few minutes, that screws up big downloads

playing on mac, launcher doesnt work. i get a java script error.

W mans

mac build in the future?

Nevermind i got it, ive done it in the past but i guess it didnt save or something, had to type some stuff into terminal. common mac L. 

if still curious

You do not have permission to open the application “Game”. 

Contact your computer or network admin for assistance.

Mac  build for me at least is broken. download and unzips folder and it appears as "game" trying to run it hits me with an error saying i dont have permission. (i have zero permission locks)

Thanks for this. Do better Kyle, or just drop it if its not getting any real work done.

my fault

buggy as hell. cant restart progress it just acts like i hit continue.

i think im bugged? very early game need 2k to get my ship fixed, says i need a fishing rod to fish at the pier but i have two. also says i need my own dice to play but i have dice. help?

Mac versions doesnt want to work for me. i download it fine, but trying to run it says that its broken 

it just takes me to a 2.1  download page

Going and completing the 2nd puzzle for me on multiple saves hits me with "you've got 0 fragments correct" when its very clearly completed

game looks great, do you have an expected release period per update? like end of every month, etc?

i jsut gave up and got it on my pc. puzzles are extremely difficult and the 2nd puzzle is bugged

is there a way to play the old un rebooted version? i came back after a few months and saw that there was tons of new content added before the reboot that i never got to touch

i get this issue on a few games, im on mac. after downloading and unzipping i get hit with the "you dont have permission contact an administrator". i have all the necessary permissions just  wondering if you happen to know a fix

downloaded on mac, it says i dont have permission to open. ive gone into the settings and i should have permission but still dont, any advice for a fix would be appreciated

i greatly enjoy the game, but the slider puzzles are super annoying, i cant seem to beat it

ive completed most of the game but seem to be stuck, i cant complete ramoray, stella, rose or sarah. the first two are locked behind arahs quest, i go and buy the cake but nothing happens when trying to talk to stella

ive got an infinite loading screen bug trying to do aim training for the first time

looks like new version is now available for us who bought the .3

much appreciated B)

been playing for the last two hours or so, not sure if i missed something or what. but how do you know when theres a new scene for a girl/how do you progress towards each scene?

Bought the 0.2 version back when it was released but cant get access to the newest .4