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JWeezy Construction

A member registered Apr 25, 2024 · View creator page →

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Howdy, they are opened using Simple IC mod! Once you have that mod installed and enabled, you can walk up to the boxcars and you will see a little "x" that you can click on to open doors

Yeah I have noticed that.. I am not really sure what causes it. I simplified the collisions on the fence track because using the actual collisions caused some major issues because of the tiny inconsistencies.. I will take another look at the fence track and see if I can get it working smoother!

Howdy, Do you find that using that mod makes it much much easier for you to line things up properly? That is the mod I was talking about in my response to BoogietrOn

Hahaha,  I would love to share it! but after I got disciplined for sharing my edit of the easy dev controls, I am hesitant to post another edit of a script mod.. Maybe DM me on FB or on Discord and I can send it to you there?

Howdy, what do you feel that the SW1500s are missing? besides an interior of course.. That would be a little difficult since its a different cab. Maybe I could rebuild the SD40 interior and make it fit.. Ill see about that.

What liveries did you have in mind? and what did you mean by private liveries?

as for the SW1000, I would love to include it. I just havent found a model for it yet. I would just modify the SW1500, but I think the SW1000 only has 1 exhaust stack so its a bit of a difference..

I have been told that the move object mod that lets you move placeables once you placed them makes it SUPER easy to place them perfectly? I personally use a modified version of the building snap mod that lets me snap to a 0.02m grid and 0.1 degree instead of the standard 0.5m and 1 degree. Makes lining things up super easy for me. But what is this about a bunker that snaps together?? I am not aware of this? Maybe I could implement it in?

I also have added a lot more track options for the next update! I am also including a coal and Iron ore loading building! I am currently working on it

Howdy! yeah I hadnt finished 2 of the viewliners yet.. That is one of the ones that is not finished yet, so it shouldnt have been included. My apologies

(1 edit)

Hmmm I did not have that issue when i was doing testing.. I will look into it tho!

I will definitely quiet them down a bit!

Perfect! thank you so much!

Currently, only the loco you are driving is contributing power. However, I have gotten 3 locomotives to pull a coal train up a very very steep grade the other night using the follow me mod.. more to come on that.

As for the GP7, yeah it is weak. the GP7 was one of the very first diesel locos that NA railroads were willing to give up steam power to convert to, however it is very underpowered compared to the large road locos you see now. So I made it proportionally weaker so that it felt real!

Howdy! the map in that picture is Green Valley Nebraska I believe by DJ Modding? It is the next railroad save game I am working on.

Also, thank you so much! I am glad you are enjoying them so much. I hope i can continue to add to them and improve them! Also, thank you again! my wedding was fantastic, and my wife and I are very happy starting out married life together!

it looks fantastic friend! That shed that you used at the turn table looks like it fits really well!

this SHOULD NOT remove anything you already placed on the map.. I haven’t removed any placeables except that yard spawn track, but I brought that back at the request of the people. And all of the placeables are still the same placeables, names and stuff didn’t change, they are just in a different store category now. I would suggest saving a copy of the old version of the mod in a different location as a backup, then download the new update to your mod folder just to make sure!

hello, I have not experienced that issue. Could you please tell me what situation you had the GP7 in when it would only do 1 in reverse? Were you on a grade? Did you have anything else attached to it? Are you sure the loco was sitting on the tracks correctly?

thanks! And sorry about that, my laptop is pretty quiet I feel like so I don’t always get a good feel of how loud stuff is haha. Is it the air purge noise? And on which loco? I believe the EMDs and GEs have different air purge sounds

I suggest using the lumberjack mod! It allows you to change the strength of the player, if you set it to infinite you can lift all the locomotives!

Howdy Ken, yeah like I said, animated object extend causes that for anybody else having this issue. disable that mod while placing the crossing guards, then reenable it to play!

Howdy, yes it already has! I dont know if I had it included in this update, but if not it will be in the next!

No need to be sorry at all friend, hope that helps and hope you enjoy!

Youre welcome!

Oh yeah, currently adding more locomotives will NOT increase your power in game. I havent figured out how to make that work yet unfortunately. so basically the only thing that adding another locomotive does currently is add much more weight to your consist.. I am working on that

Howdy, glad you are enjoying them! I will see what I can do about that paint scheme!

Howdy, my paving machine doesnt paint that I am aware of? So I am not sure what youre referring to?

Howdy, have you downloaded my store category mod? It adds a store category to the construction menu so you must have it. That is where all of the track and such is located now, as I have added many more options for track sections.

Yeah the invisible barriers sound good in theory, but work out extremely poorly in practice unfortunately :/ As oppi said, any oversize loads will collide, really limiting your ability to use flatbeds and the lowboys. also, the locomotives and railcars do not slide smoothly along the invisible walls like ice, they collide more like Velcro pretty much as soon as they touch they would "snag" on the walls

Thank you! I am not aware of multiplayer issues? I dont play multiplayer so I havent been able to test them on a server.

As far as the wheels, I am not understanding what you did, you added extra wheels?

As far as the move placeables mod, that is genius! I hadnt thought of that, I will have to try it out!

I suggest using the building snap mode in free placement mode, then the ground wont be leveled when you place the track so it doesnt mess up the turn table

It sounds like you dont have the updated track pack if they are still in decorations

You need to UNFOLD the train and all railcars so that they can turn freely. are you unfolding them or folding them?

I am not understanding youre question friend

Yeah hopefully some day somebody will create some productions to create these! as of right now, they can be sold off just like regular pallets after the last update. Hold them over a sell point and they will sell material until they dissappear

Thank you! glad you are enjoying them! Yes I plan on bringing them to FS25, but not right away. It will be a while after FS25 is released

Thank you! glad you are enjoying them! I do plan on taking them to FS25, but not right away. I will need some scripts to be updated and a few other things, but eventually I will take them to FS25!

I havent been able to find a SD7 yet unfortunately! I havent found a high hood GP38 yet either, but the GP38-2s I do have are set to be realistic with the amount of power they have

I think you should be able to build it using Jeremy's cranes? Butt I will see what I can do about adding different height options! I know that prefab one that I made is pretty tall haha

Yes! inclined bridges is coming, for now, you can use the inclined track, place it free (so it doesnt level ground) and then place the black bridge pieces. It kinda works until I get proper inclined bridges!

Glad you are enjoying them! I will see what I can do about creating those track options. I have been having issues with how I could get a diamond to work tho

Thanks! I definitely think it was a needed improvement haha. and yeah glad you like that one!