This system looks pretty neat, although I did have one question. Streaming the resources in and out to load ships and in gameplay sounds great, but when you're designing a ship and you want all that content available, aren't you stuck loading all of it at once? Unless you're looking at a single 'tab' at a time like SE, I suppose, but given that loading things in takes time I have trouble imagining loading things in and out per tab as a smooth solution.
You appear to be much better at thinking these things through than me, so I'm sure it'll turn out okay, just curious.
Recent community posts
New question that you may have already discussed: (hopefully this posts okay on mobile)
How effective are the maneuvering thrusters at the moment, especially compared to regular thrusters? I imagine they're gamey to a certain degree to make ships feel more responsive since that can be more entertaining to fly, I'm just curious to what degree that is the case, if it is. I don't imagine this isn't subject to change, of course.
I thought of a question or two:
1. What do you think the scale will be like? This can be as general or specific as you want of course, I'm just curious. Is this in a sector, a quadrant, a galaxy, a universe?
2. You mentioned in a concept video that sounded very similar a while back the idea of specially player-tuned modules, etc, and it seems like the idea has migrated away from that over time - which is fine - is that correct?
Thanks, and as noted I am interested to see where this goes. I'm sure I'll have more questions in the next few days or so ^^