Didn't know about PaintTool, seems very lightweight indeed. I kinda managed to reproduce something similar in GIMP and it really gives a very professional look to the pamphlet. Thanks for your tips!
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I do not play Frontier Scum but the supplement looks really stunning: the fonts, the layout, the color scheme, etc. And so many activities in such a small format! Congrats, it's a nice one!
A small technical question: did you print the supplement to take the picture of it? Or is it just a damn good usage of the perspective tool (or whatever it is called in your fav software)?
Hi all!
First of all, thanks for hosting such a nice jam! It's a first one for me and I'm really happy about it!
A quick question: I am doing a foldable 8 pages zine format (y'know, the "cut in the middle and fold until it looks good" one) and was wondering about the instructions for folding one. Would you add some quick instructions at all or just consider that people would figure that out? If you think it's necessary, do you have some CC0 instructions?
Cheers and good jam everyone!