A solid little dungeon effectivly taking the feel of the novel and tranforming it into sweet little romp. It might be a bit to defined for my taste in certain places (for a more open and conceptual adaption, you might check out my own take on The Castle), but those are necessary transformations for the purpose of playability and still keep the kafkaesque spirit very much alive.
Jan Kabasci
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Hey there, thank you for the in-depth comment!
I checked out your adventure and I really appreciate it. I agree with you that you managed to make a kafkaesque experience actually playable. For me, the decision to go a conceptual road came in the second phase of development close to the end of the Twisted Classics Jam after planning to make the adventure more directly playable in the first phase, which started relativly early after the jam opened (and then there was a huge gap in development precisly because it became too much work). However, by this later point I lacked the time and motivation to make it so with the scope I had in mind. So I took the conceptual road because on the one hand, it was more time-efficient, but also because I liked the way it allowed me to question standard TTRPG assumptions. I also see this as quite finished at the moment, so I doubt I will go back to give it a more traditional form.
Also, I think one of the big differences between The Trial and The Castle is actually the question of agency - where in the first, it is pushed upon the protagonist by outside forces, in the latter it comes completly from the will of the protagonist, even if it is never made clear why exactly, which is something I wanted to capture here.
Anyway, I appreciate your comment and work - and I might also steal the term "lyrical adventure", which is a pretty fitting description that somehow completly eluded me.