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A member registered Jul 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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thanks <3

thanks nice pfp btw <3

Thanks :)

thanks :)


thanks :)



thanks i focused on atmosphere becuse im not comftable with my coding skills as it was like my actuall first game i finished but im glad u liked it thanks  again <3

thanks <3

really cool <3 thanks



cool game really cool and unique concept honestly  i think ur are gonna be in top 10

Fun game lol loved it

the game was fun and really short wich i liked the only minus i can think off is that there is some small bugs like when in a cutsceen and i press space it starts again but other wise cool game witha simple artstyle and a cool music choice

the art was made by my friend mat as i asked her if she wanted to join me in the game jam but i put most of the stages and created some glitched sprites for the later stages im happy u enjoeyed and will talk to mat and thank her again for her hard work

thanks again jadc <3

that is what i was going for so im happy u enjoied it <3

thanks <3

thanks first time doing the sfx so i understand but sitll much love <3

thanks <3 

nice simple but cool

simple platformer with a new element to spice things up expect a few bugs this games is pretty good

same here <3

the game is really cool quick and makes u play more simple but yet so satysfaing 

np im gonna check out ur game thanks 

thanks <3

np <3

very chill game love the cute art style and the story in the game even tho its short 

thanks <3

thanks <3

Game really cool my boy next to the graves raises the spirits love the game really cool and nice characters only complaint or negative i can say is that if u talk to the ghost in the wrong order u can miss out on dialouge and the acosional not knowing where to go as the ghost does not tell u were just gives u a litile discription of the persone ur searching for but still really cool

sorry for makeing ur eyes hurt but made it to make an flashlight effect :) and the jump looping is a bug and i simply dont know how to fix it sadly but thanks for a comment <

(1 edit)

it's my first time joining a game jam and actually finishing a game for other people to play and review but the overal i really enjoieng the games and critics i got for my game that could be improved evryone was really nice and helped me when i had the probleme and just becuse of the comunity of 1bit game jam im thinking about joining a next jam sometime

ps sorry for the grammer english is not my first laguage

thanks for the critics as well as i apracaite that u played the game a second time becuse u liked it and there is no music becuse i sadly dont know how to make music for the game but for sure gonna try to make music in my next game thanks u made my day <3

Fun game to play kinda weird start and music in the menu but evrything else in the game seems really well done and i like that there is multiple minigames u can play as well as dialouges wich are really cool and the art style is absolutetly 10/10 i love it :) ps sorry for grammer mistakes english not my first language

thanks for the comment u really made my day and i know about the grammer but i tried my best even tho english is not my first language

have a nice day lewilewi