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A member registered Jun 01, 2016 · View creator page →

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Would like to but i'm in a bit of busy work in university at the moment. For the sound maybe i will find something from stelladrone maybe.
Anyway, thank you for the suggestions. :D

I'm sorry but level3 is not made yet cause of deadline so it really not your fault, it's just mine.

This is what i have accumulated through out my jam.
The library have several helper class to help do things like IEnumerable shuffling, Vector2 math, comparing float with small precision, get points that are <North,West,South,East,NorthWest,...> from a point, get direction of a point compare to another point (North,West,South,...)...
The library have a set of simple UI element to help with making UI for the game.
The library have a Screen manager that manage game screen, and screen transition.

The library have a range of drawing thing onto texture2D, you can combine a set of texture, put in an Action<SpriteBatch> to draw on a texture.

The library have a Animation class that help deal with 2D sprite animation.

The library have an implementation of Dijikstra algorithm.