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A member registered May 24, 2021

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Please can you make it for android?

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hi! I really like this game so I'm wondering if you are going to make it for android too. I really hope you do.

Thank you so much for the idea!!! I will try to do that! 馃榿馃榿

Hi!! Really love this game and have it for my phone and pc. Thank you so much for all the work you do for all of us. I would like to say one thing only is that the rollback still doesn't work (think i write 2 comments at least about it before),  so hoppfullt when you have time you can look at it. That's the only problem i have with the game. AGAIN!!! I LOVE IT AMAZING WORK HYAO!!!

HI! Need help.....Love this game and have to for my PC and i download it for my samsung S+10....So it may be because english is not my 1st language or because i'm a idiot...but i'm not sure how to add the DLC on my phone....So again help?...please?...Have read the instruction but i can't....TwT

Hi! Really love the game and love the update! So thanksful that you take time from your life so you can do this game!. I'm sure you have many thing to do but there is one thing that i write in a comment before that still doesn't work in the game and is the rollback option. Still can't roll back toc hange option and others things.

Thanks you again for you hard work and hopeful you can see this comment Hyao.

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Hi! I really like this game and you are doing an amazing work with it, but right now i'm stuck and don't know what to do XD. Have been hunting for GC and i have more than 9k and have tried to talk to Katari. Please help!!! TwT (I'm playing on my phone)

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Hi! Love the new update! Thank you so much for all hardwork you do for this game and i really love playing it. I only have 1 small question and 1 thing to say if that's ok ^-^. 

1-The rollback side option, so you can go back in the text or to change options still doesn't work for me even though i choose an option. I don't know more people has that problem.

2- And i wonder if the update for the android 41.2 is the same as the other 41.3, only that the name is wrong there.

Again thank you so much for you work. You are amazing!! And you game is amazing too. ^-^

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Hi! Thanks for your help! It work. ^_^

hi!! Have a question: can i play this (download) in my tablet or mobile (is a Samsung s10+)? If so, how do I do it?

Hi! Really love the game and are a big fan of it! The only thing is that i can't roll the images and texts back even though i select it in the options. Does anyone have that problem too?

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Thanks for the info Sen ^-^. I will think about it a little more and I was thinking the same as you about the BL games in Steam but att the same time is strange because i buyed the game Uncle Neighbor and it as erotics scenes and others BL games too.  And i think Steam let you hace NSfW games there now if i'm not wrong.

Hi! This game so f'ucking amazing and i really want it! but the thing is that i don't really feel to safe buying games in sites likes this (don't mean to offend anyone). So my question is: Are you going to uppload (not sure if this is the right word, sorry english is not my first language) this game on Steam like other games? Really hope so, would buy it from there the moment i find it there.

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I really like this game and I麓m waiting for it!! But I wonder if you can only buy it here or if we are going to find it someday on Steam. Same with the Seiyuu game.