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Another WC Oc.


Flamebounce is a large Calico tomcat known for his merciful soul and his love for sunny, hot days in Greenleaf. Flamebounce is the eldest sibling of CrystalBlaze, despite being some what biological twins, Flamebounce isn't as eager as his younger sister, instead, he is rarely ever seen within the camp walls and is usually seen near the Fair or Fireclan borders talking with patrols with a friendly demeanor, despite most of the clan believing he's unloyal, Flamebounce is incredibly honest and CrystalBlaze claims its hard for him to lie.

Kin: Crystalblaze.

Mate: None.

Kits: None.

Role: Leader

Gender: Male

Moons: 32 moons.

No she doesnt, theres a certain coding in the game where its practically manditory to see Sunfall and Crystalblaze together. Once you do, you can either tell on her or become leader later on and let her stay or exile her.

Not exactly, I didn't do those 2 steps but still 'won' the game either way :3

I appointed her deputy once I became Leader, she stays permanetly if you do that ;)

Quick Tutorial on how to get a good ending in the game :).

Once your born and leave the den you can go over to Amberclaw, clicl on Alyssa the owl in the tree to activate the dialouge then click on the blue gem in the tree which will then make you the player ask Alyssa to get the blue gem, once you take it go to the stream to the right.

Slip in the stream and grab the pearl like-gem. To get the yellow stone go to the beach and grab the yellow stone in the shallow water.

Once your apprenticed, go to Nightpaw, and she will tell you that she hid something in the apprentices den; click it twice to get the green gem.

Then its just the waiting game until Liontail dies, and if you want, you can learn about the gem if you decide to interact with him after trying to snatch his precious gem.

After Liontail dies, you can get the final gem.

To get Moss-shadow back and to become leader, you must find Moss-shadow by at first talking to Moonheart (I forgot her name xd), but she's the gray she-cat with Torrentclaw before you enter the beach area. She will tell you about Mosskit, and you have to find a way to get the item. You must be a warrior to get this quest. Go into the warriors den and grab the mossball, then go onto the beach, click the red X on the sand, and place the mossball. All you have to do is wait for Mossshadow to appear the next day.

Once she appears, take her to Bramblestar, which is where he thanks you. The next task is pretty simple: gain 80 reputation, and then Bramblestar will announce you as leader. Then, since you got all the gems, go down to the cave in the hunting grounds, the one on the left, click the boulder, and it will open the cave where you get the 9 leaders ceremony scene, which you can skip by clicking the star on the crystal.

Next you have to fight Firestar; I would heavily advise that you grind by beating up Duskfall and Dustfeather like your life depends on it until you have 500 or 600 health, as it makes it much easier to kill him. Once you kill Firestar and the Fireclan cats arrive, go to find Breezesong in the medicine den and appoint him the new leader of Fireclan.

From that point on, if you left Crystalblaze alone (aka not telling on her when she was with Sunfall), you have the option to either exile her or let her stay. If you want a nice happy ending, you can let her stay; if your salty and genuinely forgot about her, you can exile her. That's all you gotta do.

(Btw, if you want to stay alive for eternity, just keep talking to the black rogue on the hill to either change your gender, reset your kit timer, or keep you young for eternity. just give em some herbs.)

And you cant go to the circus because Sunfall wont let you, he practically dipped on Crystalblaze and her kits, and if you want, you can appoint Crystalblaze a deputy.)

Aww thank you!

The base isn't mine btw, I'm still looking to credit the owner :3

Heres my WC oc if anyones interested :3.


A tortoise-shell she -cat with sharp green eyes and is known for her nimble and agile attacks.

Mate: Dustfeather

Kits: Sootfly

Kin: Crystalblaze, Lionkit, Qualikit, Thunderkit and Wisteriakit.

Friends: Cottonwillow, Duskfall, Sparrowtail, Moss-shadow.