It's actually a very addicting game (albeit very tiring after a couple of minutes). It's a fun and simple game with a creative mechanic. It does have some noticeable flaws, however. I recommend slightly increasing the breathing room needed and add an HUD for the player's HP and other things they need to consistently watch over in the game. I also recommend that you add a scoring system in order to make the players feel like they're having a noticeable progress in their gameplay. This one is a slight nitpick on my part, but I suggest that you use a more consistent and slightly slower flow of the difficulty as the game progresses as in my experience, the difficulty (i.e size of the planets) is randomized so the experience can be pretty jarring at times, but that's only a personal nitpick. So far I'd give this game a 4/5. It's very close to being good but it falls short due to the inconsistencies and the very noticeable and prominent flaws in the gameplay as mentioned before. Regardless, I really liked it, keep up the good work!
A member registered Sep 11, 2020