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A member registered Mar 23, 2021

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i figured it out, the key straight up did not spawn in during my first play through, like i did the thing with the girl and bam no key.

i figured it out, the key straight up did not spawn in during my first play through, like i did the thing with the girl and bam no key.

(1 edit)

What do you mean by "ignore one of the pcs", I tried not interacting with them but that didn't do anything. It still won't let me open any doors to get what I need to progress

Does anyone know where to find the key for the small lock in act 2. I've searched all the rooms I have access to and I just can't find it

okay thx

I think I somehow got softlocked in level 2, I'm at a door that says it needs the A key, which I already have, and it just isn't opening. Is there any way to get around this, or do I just have to start a new save?

game froze when i was, fighting two enemies, One was hiding, I killed the one not hiding, and still had minions trying to attack, but they couldn't attack the hidden one.

That sucks :P

It'd be nice if they had like a popup or something to tell you when you've reached the end of the current content.

Cause there seems to be a couple of areas I haven't explored that might just not be in the game yet

How do I progress after reaching Cardinal's Heart, I cant continue moving to the right of the screen, after the massage shop. And in the places I can enter, I can't find Saria's boss.

Is the ring of power not like incredibly broken? cause normally it's pretty difficult to get max mana regen, but with the ring of power it takes like a few seconds. Granted taking damage equal to mana spent doesn't work well with items that need large max mana to be work, but I never found that to be much of a problem when I had decent healing.

According to jackalopes abilty I'm missing an area, its the middle one on the second page, and I'm not sure if its a secret or if I just didn't activate the bunny teleport thing.

I also tried upgrading my dice when they were maxed and now i think im stuck

There seems to be a bug where whenever you randomize dice they are always attack, this killed a good run when I got the jester or whatever it was called and it randomized all my dice into attack dice.

nvm i was sleep deprived and stupid when i asked this

I cant figure out the part of the godess temple thing with the rotating bunnies,  how am i supposed to figure it out

I love the game but it has little replay ability due to how simple the dice are, since there is only a few different ways you can use the dice to reach the end, so i think that if you added like a few more dice types or some sort of perk system it would add more to the different strategies to make each playthrough a bit more unique

personally i got to level 300 before my bordem got the best of me

i just realised the impossible challenges was a joke im so stupid

yes but they are literally not possible to beat even if you where super good at the game

the cutscene, the boss was great with the difficulty increase but the cutscene was unsatisfying

Fun game but the end was SUPER unsatisfying

impossible challenges litterally are impossible i dont get why you would add them

makes it so they roll higher 

just noticed where it said that the ending isn't really the total end and there will problem be more updates so nvm on my second problem

i just beat this game and have a few problems with it, firstly the final boss is a bit too easy, you should give it a few minions, or break it up into three enemies with different strengths, and there is no reward for beating the game, nothing like a cute drawing, or an unlock, but even with all the problems i see the game is still incredibly fun and intresting

This game would be a lot more satisfying if there was a optional end at floor 100, maybe it could unlock some small stuff but rn its just annoying to go any further than that

in my opinion legendary dice are completely useless, or at least way less useful then they should be, since they are always crystal, and you can almost they some results but without them being crystal with certain less rare dice.

These are all great ideas i hope some of them could get implemented into the game!