i figured it out, the key straight up did not spawn in during my first play through, like i did the thing with the girl and bam no key.
Recent community posts
Is the ring of power not like incredibly broken? cause normally it's pretty difficult to get max mana regen, but with the ring of power it takes like a few seconds. Granted taking damage equal to mana spent doesn't work well with items that need large max mana to be work, but I never found that to be much of a problem when I had decent healing.
I love the game but it has little replay ability due to how simple the dice are, since there is only a few different ways you can use the dice to reach the end, so i think that if you added like a few more dice types or some sort of perk system it would add more to the different strategies to make each playthrough a bit more unique
i just beat this game and have a few problems with it, firstly the final boss is a bit too easy, you should give it a few minions, or break it up into three enemies with different strengths, and there is no reward for beating the game, nothing like a cute drawing, or an unlock, but even with all the problems i see the game is still incredibly fun and intresting