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Kalamos Games

A member registered Nov 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I don't have any current plans, but you never know, there's plenty of stuff to steal out there... 

Thank you for your feedback. For better performance I would recommend using the downloaded version rather than the browser one. (Please don't look at my bad code 😭) I'd be curious what the spelling mistakes you noticed were?

Thank you, that is very kind to say. It was fun trying to limit myself with the colour palette this time.

Thank you, glad you liked him. There was a point which I regretted making so many expressions as the vampire/non-vampire split means it practically doubled the sprites, but I am glad I stuck it out.

Thank you for your kind words! I wanted to make sure it was clearly BL but I did actually find it a bit hard to do with only one character, so glad it was still clear.

Thank you! I feel like you really got what I wanted to make with this game. Who needs extravagant lore and world building when you can just put two idiots in a room together. 

I enjoyed your super energetic Let's Play and I'd recommend anyone reading this to check it out!

There were times when I was making this game that I did consider stopping (I know it was only 10 days...), but after receiving so much lovely feedback I definitely plan to do O2A2 next year, as well as making other games before then!

Wow, the art is just AMAZING! Can't believe you managed to create such a detailed world in under 1000 words. I love everything that was said, but also somehow loved everything that went unsaid.

Oh wow, what a tragic tale. I really loved how you used the one O2A2 sprite but had the transformations. They really added to the story. I love a good story that has a bad ending vs an even worse one!

Thank you, you are really raising the stakes with your own vampire puns!

Thank you! I really appreciate your words, especially from someone who made such a great O2A2 game themselves. In my head I just think now they have plenty of time to go camping together.

Thank you so much!!! It really means a lot from someone who has made so many lovely games themselves. It makes the time spent on the little things feel worth it, and yeah I've read a good number of vampire/human romances and wanted to keep it cheery. 

Wow, that's so kind of you. Your words mean a lot, I really appreciate it and I'm so glad you enjoyed my game! <3

(1 edit)

Cute game! Loved the UI and the fish hair clip was cute. I had fun getting all the endings.

Wow, thank you so much for your detailed comment and your kind words! Yeah the may not be the smartest, but at least now they have plenty of time to grow a few brain cells between them.

Thanks, I tried to make sure I gave a lot of attention to the UI as O2A2 is so limited.

Glad you liked!

Finally got an S grade! It was smart as you only get to use one sound effect to use a rubber duck sound as it's so iconic. Cute but also a bit sinister.

The art is so nice, and the story really succeeded in giving me that uneasy feeling!

Managed to get all the endings. I liked how animated she was and how the perspective worked.

Wow, I loved how messed up that was. I loved how pretty the crying sprite was. The story is so unique and I did not expect that secret ending!

This one was my favourite Evil/Zoomer one yet, even though it's the saddest. How many more O2A2s need to be scheduled before they can live a happy high life (or even just a happy middle life!)

I really enjoyed playing this story, but I do feel bad for Matthew! I liked how you made most of the background have a blurry effect, and I found it interesting how you managed to show two characters on screen during O2A2.

What a beautiful little game. I loved the use of music and sound effects in this game. It was cute to hear the cat purr, but even cuter to see it.

He is so pretty! I loved how he blushed hearts on his cheeks, and the colour palette for the game is just stunning.

I thought it was cool how animated the sprite felt and I liked what you did with the BAD(?) END.

This game was really inspiriting for a O2A2/Yaoi jam game. I loved how you used the one background but used it almost like two separate ones. The art is so nice and I loved the little animation when Lawrence went to lie on the bed. Also I liked how fat the fox was on the bed, so cute!

What a cute little game! The background is so pretty and I loved how you used the falling petals to add a nice Spring atmosphere. I also loved the sneezing expression!

Thank you! I admit the game did end up me seeing how many vampire references I can put in less than 1000 words.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I thought it was cool how as the pet, you talked. I liked how even though the boy didn't understand what the pet was saying, they still got there in the end!  I loved the background and UI, the colour palette was very pleasing and I liked how neat it looked. Also the tuna icons are just too cute!

Just finished playing this after playing "Like Shattered Glass". It was nice to see more of their unique relationship. I think my favourite line was about who felt worse for whom. I also like how clean the main menu feels.

I really like how you did the camera work in this VN! It really added a lot to the VN's O2A2's limitations.

This was a real emotional game to play. It's interesting how you managed to fit so many different endings into the small word limit. I think my favourite path though was when you just refused to pick up the phone! :D

Wow! I really loved this game. It's really inspiring to see how much polish can be put into an O2A2 game. It's hard to believe the story was less than 1000 words when you just want to keep imagining more of the story on your own.

Yeah, Jamie may be a student but that doesn't mean he's smart, especially when it comes to boys! At least his breath would smell nice after. :D

Thanks for your kind feedback, I’m glad you liked him. I definitely want to try experimenting with including some CGs in my future projects!

(1 edit)

Thank you, glad you liked :)

I loved the character design, hopefully my secret is safe!

This was a really charming game! It was nice to have so many different, thoughtfully written endings packed into quite a short game. The music was lovely too.

This game was lovely to play! I loved the animated emotions the sprites had, and their art is really nice. I had to make sure I replayed through Kalei's route though after playing Geist's route as I wanted to leave them on a happy note!