haha! You have to be in the safe zone to spend gears. To be fair thats not apparent at all LOL. Thank for playing! :)
Kaleb Taylor
Creator of
Recent community posts
a game I created for the opera gx "No internet" jam. Ive never used gamemaker before but this is what I was able to come up with in a week.

Thanks for the video. Check out the process here: https://itch.io/jam/two-minute-horror-jam/topic/810469/my-first-game-jam-#post-1...
Thanks for the video. Check out the process here: https://itch.io/jam/two-minute-horror-jam/topic/810469/my-first-game-jam-#post-1...
Thanks for the video. Check out the process here: https://itch.io/jam/two-minute-horror-jam/topic/810469/my-first-game-jam-#post-1...
Thanks for the video. Check out the process here: https://itch.io/jam/two-minute-horror-jam/topic/810469/my-first-game-jam-#post-1...
I always wanted to pursue game development as a career. I took a hiatus for about 2-3 years because I didn't have good enough grades to attend college & earn a degree in game development. However recently the pre requisites changed & I was accepted to the program, I start in September of 2020! After taking a year off school once I graduated high school & not having a clue what to do with my life, I'm now super excited to turn my dream into a reality. I'm going to be entering as many jams as I can to learn as much as possible before I start earning my degree in the fall! let me know what you guys think so far! I'm basing this game off of a very trippy nightmare I had a few weeks back lol.