surreal and clever! Makes me curious about the coding of it, how games handle these matters of scale and distance and motion...
Kali Ranya
Creator of
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Loved this in the browser, who knows when, and was delighted to see it show up in this format in the recent relief bundle! A genre defining work.
Encountered one bug in my current playthrough: if the "bolas" inventory block appears on the looting screen, clicks on the popup to adjust quantities of loot items can fall through to bolas, switching the interface away from the item you're trying to interact with. I just don't carry bolas, to work around it!
As an agnostic who generally thinks of religion as "a pleasant concept that no one seems to do right," I found that final sequence to be an unexpected dose of wholesome. Plus it made Samantha, who up until then only read as "joke" or "generic" from one beat to the next, 900% more interesting as a character! Very cool.
This is overall pretty amusing, but I'm stumped. I know basically everything I need to do (including a rough idea of how to get through the door with power suit in hand), but I can only find three Gems--one between the buildings, one among Craigo's boulders, and one dropped by the fedora dude. Any hints on where to make up the remaining three?
This looks sick! Gonna try to get at least a one-shot game of it together asap.
I don't know if you care about lil typo-style feedback at this hour, but if so, there's a funny copy-paste oddity on p. 71: the Sword becomes an Energy weapon due to the MX-BEACON's signature feature, but it's still described as "A long, unpowered blade", emphasis mine 😅
Ah lovely! I remember someone bringing up this possible scenario in a social media post somewhere--whether that was you, you were inspired by that, or it's an independent invention, it's delightful that you've run with the idea!
Two typos to report, both in the final 10-20% of the story:
- A line reading "Thanks, Sis." is captioned as being delivered by "MC3Happy_Eyes_Closed"
- Aforementioned Sis shortly afterward says "why did it have to school prankster?" which is, I think, missing a "be the"
Thank you! With those clarifications, I was able to finish out a game. I got a win as Berserker on Normal difficulty. It was quite close--my HP were never in great danger from round to round, but my ability draw piles were almost exhausted and I'd never had a good opportunity to refresh them. So if I'd needed to go one more round, I would have been starved for cards to play and probably gotten wiped out from full health.
A couple more questions came up that didn't halt my game:
- Is it possible to mark damage on a non-boss enemy and dodge it, for the purpose of taking less damage when you finish the fight? The rules seemed quite insistent that only boss monsters get cumulative damage, so I wasn't sure if that was a legal play.
- When the dungeon graveyard shuffles back at the end of Tier 4, I'm guessing the previous tiers' jokers should not be included, right? 😅
How clever! This is a great little way to while away some time.
- "Tokens mean +X" thus each time you dodge an enemy it gains some max HP basically? And Aces of Spades start as 14+(token value)?
- What happens with enemies that are neither dodged nor any cards assigned to them? It reads like they do nothing..?
- If you reach the end of a tier with some enemies still on the table, do you clear them away, or do you leave them in play but fill in up to the new number of enemy slots with cards from the new tier deck?
- I'm guessing ability cards that you don't play during a round are kept in hand, up to the limit of 2/suit. Rolled Stamina dice that aren't used to apply damage or dodge an enemy ... get rerolled, maybe? Rather than held over at current value?
"Law" could work, I'll let that roll around my head a bit.
Al-Hiri, ah, I mentioned it on the project page: "The "Al-Hiri" faction is a nod to The Shab-Al-Hiri Roach by Jason Morningstar." Maybe it deserves a footnote in the main text, though? Or drop that too and promote one of the nicknames, like Swarm or Locusts.
I bet you'd love Rod, Reel, and Fist, if you've never played it! It was in the Racial Justice charity bundle a while back.
Am I misunderstanding something, or is it not actually possible for the Minnow to be a fish on the hook? (You roll 2d6 on the Fish List, meaning a minimum of 2, and it's #1 on the list...) Is it just there as a bait item you might bring to a fishing trip?
- We've been to the NSB building twice.
- After the second visit, we convened at an injured person's apartment.
- There, a mysterious contact who helped us during the NSB thing gave us a task to receive a package in the Nightlife District.
That seemed like it'd be a good time to unlock the Nightlife District? or... maybe I misunderstood something, and we're supposed to take the package to the Nightlife District? In which case, where's the package? (This is where a main-quest tracker would be handy, haha...)