I'm getting trashed by the ennemy scaling at the councave mountain (goes from three to four digits stats) is that intended? Else the game system is nice, hope you'll get some more arts
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Early game and gaining money have a small problem, there's a high chance that you encounter a Hood ennemy when going/exiting the city and it can oneshot you, dividing your current money by two.
Outside of that it's good, maybe a few more moves for combat or being able to level up other characters than your sister?
The start of the game is really rough and can soft lock you into fat if you're not careful enough, the office job should get a little more paid on start.
Outside of breast growth candies arent useful since you can get others end without it.
Unlocking the trainer growth is weird since you can get access to personnal training very early.
Not really fan about the character changing hair color, is that automatic or with a special stat?
A review of every game:
-Head/tails: fair
-Exp chase: fun, the boss should be stunned a bit after the QTE
-clue chase: horrible first time, and even after it didnt really improved (the timer is useless)
-Blackjack: I didnt understand what the card in the shop does?
-RPG: the ennemies scales way too quick, counter is your only way to survive an encounter with more than 2
-waves: pretty fun, 1.30 min is long tho
-forest escape: hard pass for me, the sound isnt clear
-Expansion cards: fun, reminded me of Growing Rivalry
-Ball toss: If you're only supposed to mash space, its literally impossible
Also I was expecting something for the maid room, or at least the option to growth her