it's good to hear, always interested in new work from you
hope monsters will come too (it's actually pretty hard to find 4 or even 2 directional moving monsters with at least 1 attack animation, even better if 2).
Good luck with it all
Hey Seliel,
i'm going to renew a question I asked some 6~8 months ago, about the possibility of a new monster pack rom you.
I knwo there are already a few monsters, i already have them all, but i'm getting a bit stuck for variety:
just for the example, i'm just finished the first biom of my game, mainly using summer forest, which uses only 4 monsters (bat, shroom, plant and slime), and i'm starting 2 new biomes, winter forest/mountain, and dead wood/cemetery/crypt. And i'm really lacking monsters that would fit in them, and got a hard time finding other artist that would sell monsters that it with your style.
So i was wondering if creating more monsters was still on your to do list (i'm not even asking when, i know you have your own projects and everything), just, "is it still something to look orward to".
Other than that, big fan of your style and work, still buying things and working on my little game no one will ever play :D
Loving all your assets so far.
Any plan for more animated monsters ?
A full game requires a lot of those and it's pretty hard to find fitting animated monsters, be they free or buyable, especialy since i need them to be animated in 4 directions, with 1 or 2 attack/spell animations.
Keep up the good work, it's fantastic :)
Love the tilesets and the diversity of biomes so far...
As I would need a cursed/dead forest tileset (dead trees, torn shapes, weird inscriptions on rocks maybe, baren land, dark dying grass, dirt, a few animals skeletons...), but can't commission it (can't imagine the price for 2 months of work), i was wondering if this might already be on your to do list or even a good idea for a tileset.
Other than that, keep up the awesome work, i'm progressively buying everything you made, its dope.
Breakout like game, with 16 playable levels (more to come, later), cartoony graphisms, bonuses, teleporters, moving bricks..