Hey! It's a pleasure, we did our best to deliver a good product. You're kind words motivate and cheer us up to continue doing our best ^^
Yes, the maps have been made exclusively with this Asset Pack.
Hello DefinitelyRus! if you send me an email at miseterx@gmail.com I can show you some more examples or samples, also you can check my game mostly made with my assets packs https://faycrest.itch.io/lorrenz-fries ^^, let me know if you need anything else.
Hello! Thank you so much ^^, this asset pack is formatted for RPG maker, if you notice each file has a different name A4, A5, A1 each of them has its dimension here is a guide that will explain the file dimensions in-depth https://robotsweater.medium.com/bots-guide-to-custom-art-in-rpgmaker-mv-understa... Please let me know if you need any more help :D you can send me an email at miseterx@gmail.com I'll gladly help you ^^
Hello! I have been working solo on this project for almost 2years now, and as the project grow I'm starting to be overwhelmed by the work needed, Art, Animation ,Ui ,Scripts...ect I have been doing everything up to this point! The project or the work needed is noob friendly as long as you are used to Godot and can be deditcated to the project feel free to say hi or email me at miseterx@gmail.com
-the rev cut is 10% but it can be negotiated and our publisher will take charge of contracts and legal stuff!.
-if you want to know more abt the game please check my twitter https://twitter.com/anis_aous
Game Design Document : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S4Btl70ZpLIR1nXXWGUC9Z1D5RBc6WeE/view?usp=drive...
The job needed will be to create functions like ,help on ui, Ai, design puzzels...ect
Hello! It do contain all the enviroment but it only contains 1 character sprite in 4directions and the rest is static, Unfortunantly I am not taking commission for now ( I have close deadline to finish game demo :( ) and thank you for your kind words ^^ add me on discord (kamisama2883) if you want to disscus anything else ^^
Yep, only one have 4directions for now and yeah its godot .import filename haha if you are looking for chrachters that would fit the style of the asset pack you can check this cool character-generator https://visustella.itch.io/stella-character-generator
Oh my god! You can't imagine how happy I am to hear this! I feel like I really need to add more assets but I am so busy with my game! I hope that after I realease a demo I'll be able to make more! Thanks again for your kinds words really boost my moral in this hard times :D send me a mail at miseterx@gmail.com and I'll send you the full pack for free!