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A member registered Feb 09, 2021

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This was great. Really impressive production quality, art-wise at least! I bet with some more time, you could do some really nice on-theme SFX.

Puzzle-wise, it was hard... well, Booth was hard and M was next to impossible. I realized to solve M I **really** needed the Dictator to achieve 5 guilties.

You can tell the balance is off by the end because the last trial is a cakewalk -- it's way easier to get Innocent votes than Guilty. I think the cards lean too heavily towards on Innocent, so that's why M's trial is really hard (and since you can only have 4 jurors, you need a special one).

I think this could easily be spun into a mobile game that's pretty addicting. I stuck all the way through because I could see how to solve it. It did feel sometimes like it was a "luck of the draw" and that it's basically impossible to win unless you get lucky on your rolls (I purchased a new turn 5 times for M's trial before finally getting the Dictator).

A+ really well done!