where are the reaper, archdemon and dragon located in game?
Recent community posts
Ah okay! is it only the one glowing door you can currently unlock? (i only noticed about the nightclub on the final day so not sure if it might be a thing i have to start from day 1 to get more keys?)
Also sorry to be that person but do you have an idea on when you might bring out the futanari content?
The game is absolutely amazing though! I have to give praise where praise is due, the difficulty of the game seems pretty fair and it has a pretty fun gameplay loop, I did notice what I thought might be bugs but they could also be intentional and that is the meter when you go into scenes with certain characters takes WAY too long to build up
is it by chance because i'm using a vive that the game just loads up like a desktop and also doesn't let me do anything?
I read that you don't have a vive so you can't sort the controls out for them so I was hoping it was just the controls and that iId stick it out but sadly I can't even load the game
So i just bought the most recent update and my PC is picking up a trojan in your zip folder, what is this about? i've read through and saw it's ren'py being classed as a trojan but this just doesn't seem right, it won't even let me install it because it classes it as severe, I don't really want to refund the game but the way this is going it might be so