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A member registered Jul 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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Solid game. I like the chicken and the music. Sounds familiar; maybe to the Luma theme from Super Mario Galaxy.

Really great idea for the theme of the game jam.

Nice physics

With the power of FOWL innovation I can now type like never before! And by that I mean like I have never used a keyboard before! The last round was funny as it also had the added challenge of being a moving where's wally haha. I liked the comedic commentary, it kept my interest long enough to see the last round, which I was glad to play.

Tetris without falling pieces but you are still under pressure, nice!

(1 edit)

It doesn't play anything like a standard third person shooter. Did you play the game?

Edit: Upon reflection I admit the game page doesn't show the game off too well, so I added a short video to give an example of the game play.