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A member registered Mar 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Enjoyed the first level but ran into the same crash, unfortunately.

The game is fun and simple, I love these kinds of ball-in-a-maze games and I really like the music! 

Thanks for letting us know of the bug! I have uploaded a new fixed version :)

sure! Hopefully I’ll have some time this weekend and I’ll take a look! :)

thank you for giving the game a try! Definitely agree with your feedback on the level selection screen, that should definitely be updated to better represent how the game now looks. I should also do the same with the screenshots for the game too. And I’m glad you enjoyed the ramps haha! Thank you again for the feedback! :) 

the pixelation was actually turned up after some feedback saying it should be stronger, after playing around with it, I found that I did prefer it having a more retro/pixelated feel! :) 

And thank you for the feedback, speed is definitely needed if you want to get the highest score possible. But perhaps things could be adjusted such as the end timer to add extra pressure. Either way, thank you again for the feedback I always appreciate it and thank you for giving the game a try! :) 

Thank you so much! 

Definitely will take on board your feedback about the steering, needs some tweaking. I set up the gearbox and other settings to be similar to an F1 car, which is why it doesn’t really turn at high speeds without using the hand break to drift lol. But I think making the steering a bit better shouldn’t be too difficult to do! 

Thanks again! Glad the game finally worked for you :) 

Programmer is fixing the menu issues, but I have checked both keyboard and controller controls, have fixed the mappings, and have made some other improvements for V5 of the game. Hope it now works better for you :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for letting me know about the controller errors, I will fix those. The keyboard works great on my end with the export, so not sure what is going wrong on your end. Will let you know once I get controller working properly, will investigate that soon :) (As it was working for me in the game engine, but something may have broken on export, will check that out)

oh dear, sorry about that! If you press the Windows key to show your mouse cursor, you should then be able to select the options! Must have missed a something in blueprints to do this automatically. I will look into it! Thank you :) 

Hey! My team had a couple of members sadly have to drop out at the last minute. Currently just a designer (me) and programmer in my team. Feel free to add me on discord @Kanoshem to ask about joining. We could use with a 3d artist and composer but I'm open to other roles joining us too!

 We work with UE5 and already have a basic blockout built with features being programmed in. So it is progressing nicely either way but having a couple join us would be amazing. :)

Hey! My team had a couple of members sadly have to drop out at the last minute. Currently just a designer (me) and programmer in my team. Feel free to add me on discord @Kanoshem to ask about joining. We could use with a 3d artist and composer but I'm open to other roles joining us too!

We work with UE5 and already have a basic blockout built with features being programmed in. So it is progressing nicely either way but having a couple join us would be amazing. :)

Hello there! 

My name is Cameron, I have a team that will be doing this gamejam and we could use with an extra person to help out with art. We currently have one 3d artist, but another wouldn't hurt. A 2d artist and/or UI artist would also be great to have!


Message me on discord if you are interested! My Username: Kanoshem

Thank you very much for the feedback and kind words! :) 

Yes, looking back I would absolutely add a second tutorial level, that explains the proximity buttons that are hidden in hard-to-reach places. That was an oversight and I only realised it should have been done right as the jam ended! And I also agree on the volume, will definitely look into adding volume controls going forward with our projects. Also on the physics and scaling, I also agree, with some more time to polish, it would have been great to refine the scaling a little more and also make the objects a little less excitable haha!

Thanks again!

Thank you! :)

Thank you for the feedback! Yeah, I was tempted to add some more lights, will consider this more going forward. :)

hey! Here is my teams puzzle game https://itch.io/jam/game-off-2023/rate/2396986

any feedback is much welcome! And will try and take a look at some of these submissions here too when I get the chance :) 

Hey! Here is my teams submissions, any feedback is much welcome! Also pre-warning some of the buttons are hidden, so can be a bit difficult :) 


Haha thank you! And no problem! The game can definitely be difficult. Shrink and grow items and place them on the various pressure plates. There are also some hidden proximity plates that are hard to see as either hidden behind something or up high. So place some objects around and see if you can find them! There is also a hint sound near all of the hidden proximity plates to help you know when you are close :)

Thanks for the feedback! 

Yes wanted it to be a surprise! But maybe I’ll add some screenshots to it soon :)

And glad you liked it! Not perfect by any means with a few AI bugs, but it was our first project as a team and really happy with what we achieved. Glad you liked the Groundhog Day element, one of my favourite bits, it even makes the enemy harder upon each completion! :)

(1 edit)

Hi there! My name is Cameron, I'm a UK-based game designer, looking for some people to join my game jam team! 

I'm pretty comfortable with UE4 and UE5, particularly with designing, adding, testing gameplay features, and creating levels. I can also do Game Design Documents too. I also have some experience using Blueprints.

We could use with an additional C++ programmer, as our current programmer will be having a small procedure part way through the game jam and will need time to recover, so some extra support would be really helpful! My team have just completed our first game jam together, the Scream Jam 2023, and it would be great to have another person join us for the Game Off and potentially future game jams this/next year! 

Our team currently consists of myself (lead designer and team leader), two 3D artists, one C++ programmer, as well as a general developer who helps support across design and can do blueprints (not coding), a music producer, and a writer.

(edit): our music producer is busier than normal so a sound designer would also be really helpful to have. So if you’re interested please reach out! :)

We're not against growing the team further, but equally don't want to get too big, so if you are not a programmer still feel free to reach out to me! :)

We now have a little discord setup for our team. Feel free to reply here or message me on Discord, discord name: Kanoshem

Thanks for the feedback! :)

The monster does attack, but admittedly the AI isn’t quite perfect, we ran out of time towards the end. It is very random and isn’t always as aggressive as we would’ve liked. But it does scale and get more difficult the more times a player completes the level, so it does eventually get there, just takes a while. 

As for space, wanted it to be big to make the player feel isolated and alone, but admittedly this does make the gameplay loop a little too long. Something I’ll think about in future jams for sure! :)

Hi there! My name is Cameron, I'm a UK-based game designer, looking for some people to do my first game jam with! 

I'm pretty comfortable with UE4 and UE5, particularly with designing, adding, testing gameplay features, and creating levels. I can also do Game Design Documents too. I also have some experience using Blueprints.

I now have a C++ programmer and a 2D/3D artist/animator. We would still happily take on one or two more people! Maybe another programmer. Equally, a sound designer or UI designer would be great too! If you have experience with game jams that is another plus but not essential as the rest of us are all first-timers! 

We are also planning on doing the Game Off 2023 game jam in November too, so if you would also like to do that with us that would be great!

We now have a little discord setup for our team. Feel free to reply here or message me on Discord, discord name: Kanoshem

Hey, I'm a UK based designer looking for a team or for a programmer and artist to join me, if you're interested, message me here or on discord (Kanoshem) :)

Hey, I'm a UK-based designer looking for a team or for a programmer and artist to join me, feel free to message me here or on discord (Kanoshem). I mainly use UE4/5 :)

(1 edit)

I'm still looking for people myself, what roles do you already have filled? I'm a designer :)

Kanoshem on discord

Hey! I'm looking for a C++ programmer as I mostly use Unreal, as well as an artist. Feel free to message me on Discord if interested: Kanoshem

Equally happy to join a team if you have one in the works, I'm a Game Designer, pretty much a generalist, can do design documents, gameplay design, level design, etc. I'm also a decent writer thanks to my degrees and day job so can also do that sort of stuff too.